Chapter 561

Meanwhile, at the Grants‘ mansion, Tyler sat in the study, quietly poring over war strategy books. He gave each and every word on the page his undivided attention.

Suddenly, there was a series of knocks on the door.

“What is it?” Tyler asked without turning his head.

“Mr. Grant, the big day has arrived, We should head out,” an elderly voice said from outside the door

Tyler set the book down and got to his feet. After straightening his clothes, he opened the door and walked out. An aged servant stood outside the door, waiting for him with his head bowed.

“How are the Harmons reacting?” Tyler asked with an indifferent look.

Harmons haven’t started preparing for the wedding yet. Instead,

twitched. “Is that supposed

Grant, should we fetch the bride another day?” the man

schedule as planned,” Tyler said coolly. “Also, find

“Mr. Grant, what do you want to do with

the bride? What did the

while the coffin is for bodies. If the Harmon family agrees to the marriage, I’ll naturally use the carriage. If they don’t, then I’ll make them lay in the coffin,” Tyler

help but shudder. He knew that his master was always a man of his word. If the Harmon family

are you still standing there? Go do as


Well, let’s see whether you can hold off my army.” Tyler laughed coldly. He didn’t mind the Harmons playing tricks, but in the face of absolute power, any wile would be

with excitement. Looking across the room, distinguished guests filled the seats. It was a gathering of the exalted; the wealthy and powerful exchanged toasts and chatted among themselves. Meanwhile, Dustin

at the

Bolls! What


here too. My father talks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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