Chapter 560

“That’s it?”

Natasha was extremely displeased. Naturally, she wasn’t willing to swallow her anger when her man was being mistreated.

“Natasha, let’s look at the big picture. Why don’t you sit down?” Hector gave her a look. Then, he led the others to sit at the tables allocated for the Harmons. The ten tables at the very front of the ballroom were designated for the core members of the Harmon family as well as the other bigwigs in the family. The regular guests were relegated to the back.

“Darling, I’m sorry for the injustice. I’ll definitely find an opportunity for a payback!” Natasha said through gritted teeth.

“It’s nothing but a petty issue. Don’t worry about me. Go and keep your father company.” Dustin smiled lightly. Her saying that was already good enough for him.

don’t want to sit with

the evening. I’ll just sit here. Not to mention, sitting too close to Dylan

he didn’t

After greeting a few of her classmates, she returned

Gordon suddenly said out of the blue, “Dustin, if I were you, I’d apologize to Dylan right now. You can’t afford to get on the bad side of a golden

I guess…” Dustin couldn’t be bothered to entertain

nothing more. In his eyes, with that arrogant attitude, Dustin was bound to face consequences sooner

arrived to join

the Goldmore Group? I heard he’s worth

Even the emerald tycoon, Mr.

think that’s Mr. Gills from the Royal Pavilion, also known as

didn’t expect so many bigshots to show up. This is

extravagant display in their everyday lives. Looking across the room, they were met with the presence of prominent figures in their society, whether it was the filthy rich or the magnates in


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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