Chapter 603

James‘ death shocked everyone. They couldn’t believe that the man who had been so full of life last night was now dead.

“N–no! It can’t be! How could my brother be dead?” Dahlia shook her head repeatedly, her face full of disbelief. “Please try and save my brother again! I’m willing to pay any price!”

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do. Our deepest condolences.” The doctor shook his head.

“But how could this be?” Tears streamed down Dahlia’s face, and she staggered backward. She

couldn’t believe that her brother had died just like that.

“Oh, James! My son!” Florence wailed in anguish as James‘ body was wheeled out. She burst into tears at the sight of the lifeless body.

only son, whom she babied endlessly,

tragic outcome!

die? Did you guys make a

resulted in intracranial bleeding. We’ve done everything we could.”

this, Florence sprung up and swore. “It’s Dustin! That fucker did this! He

night. He even hit James on the head!” Julie exclaimed, a sudden realization dawning

bastard! How dare he kill my son! I’ll make him pay!” Florence

be Dustin!” Dahlia

is dead! Are you still

was furious.

be!” Dahlia kept shaking her head, unable to accept

it. We saw the whole thing


there too. This happened because Dustin assaulted James.”

grabbed Dahlia by the collar and dragged her toward James‘ lifeless body. The bruises and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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