Chapter 604

Meanwhile, Dahlia sat alone on the hospital bed with a dull gaze and a haggard face. All the crying had tired her out, and her head was so hazy she felt like a zombie. Today’s blow had completely overwhelmed her.


Dustin suddenly walked into the room. His tone was concerned as he asked, “I heard you were admitted to the hospital. Which part of your body is the discomfort coming from? Do you want me to take a look at it?”

Unresponsive, Dahlia sat still like a statue.

“What’s wrong, Dahlia?” Dustin waved a hand in front of Dahlia’s face, whose expression remained as emotionless as a lifeless doll. Usually, only devastated people who had lost all hope showed such an expression

Dustin frowned and immediately felt her pulse, only to realize that it was irregular and extremely weak, like a candle that was going to blow out at any moment.

happen?” Dustin was shocked. He quickly took out his silver needles and

flowing into

yelled as he kept


soon, she was either going to

“Wake up!”

last needle into Dahlia’s skin, an abundant

body and into

to come back to her senses and for light to return to her

breath of relief. He asked worriedly,

words, Dahlia swiped her hand

look at her, only to see her trembling as tears

I don’t want to see you. Get

caught her hand gently. “What

you ask me! Don’t you

really don’t. Was there a misunderstanding?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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