Chapter 605

“Don’t make excuses! Your palm prints are all over my brother’s face, and the doctors said he suffered severe head trauma. If you weren’t the one who caused it, who else could it be? Why? Why did you have to hit him so hard? Even if he did something wrong, you shouldn’t have killed him!” Dahlia bawled, her fist pounding on Dustin’s chest.

Although Dustin should be the one in pain, the person who ended up with tears streaking down.

their face was Dahlia.

“Dahlia, I think that there’s something fishy with James‘ sudden death. Please believe me. I would never kill him!” Dustin responded gravely.

“Believe you? How am I supposed to do that when all evidence is pointing at you?” Dahlia roared. It has been proven that Dustin was the person who hit James, causing the latter to be hospitalized. Doctors have also confirmed that the cause of James‘ death was head trauma.

These answers were concrete evidence that pointed to Dustin as the murderer. So even if Dahlia was willing to believe that this hadn’t been Dustin’s intention, it was an undeniable fact that Dustin had accidentally killed her brother.

gotten to the bottom of this incident yet. Please give me

in the morgue? Dustin, from today onward, we are over! I don’t want to ever see you again, so get out!” Losing control of her

could ever forgive him for

on, they were enemies.


of leaving, he headed straight to the hospital morgue. To be honest, he wasn’t so confident. anymore. Although his strikes hadn’t been too powerful, it was true that he hit James, so there was

terrible luck and accidentally fell

Dustin found the container where James‘ body was being kept and pulled the drawer out, revealing

still clearly

and began examining James‘ body

like intracranial bleeding is the cause of his death…” Dustin mumbled to himself, his

he accidentally killed

was sure that if that were the case, Dahlia

the rest of her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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