Chapter 606

It was obvious that someone was trying to frame Dustin for James‘ death, but who? Was it the

Doyle family or the Grant family? Or perhaps someone he had never met before. And why would they do this? Were they trying to turn Dahlia against him?

Dustin stared at the black needle he was holding. He wanted to explain everything to Dahlia but stopped himself. He knew that in her current state, she would never believe him.

Besides, all he had was the needle, which wasn’t enough to prove anything. He would only be able to prove his innocence when he found the real killer.

Just then, the sound of the phone ringing tore through the air. Dustin fished out his phone and

that it was

There’s something I need

could finish what he wanted to say, a panicked

“What’s happening?” Dustin frowned.

began beating our men up. They are ruthless! Our

I’m on my way!” Dustin hùng up and immediately made his way to the Flame Dragon Dojo. As the gang’s leader, there was

Dustin finally arrived at the Flame Dragon Dojo, where

the Four Guardians,

was shaking where he knelt on the

Dustin and struggled to stand up. However, he

you the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang?” The bearded

am. And who are

envoy, and I was ordered to capture you.” Bennet

with, regardless of his opponents‘ level. His methods were also brutal to the point that his opponents either ended up dead or critically injured, which was why the mere mention of his name was enough to throw Nelson and the others into a state of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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