Chapter 621

“Let’s see what you’re made of, kid.” A burly man wielding a broadsword was the first to jump into the ring. His sword, which weighed well over 200 pounds, looked as light as a feather because of his muscular physique.

“Who are you? Do you have a death wish?” The man in green pointed his spear toward the burly man. A look of disdain on his face.

“I’m Toby Hunt, leader of Hollowblades!” In a smooth motion, the man slammed the tip of his blade into the ground, a murderous aura enveloping him,

“Oh, it’s Sir Hunt. No wonder he seemed familiar.”

“Hollowblades is quite a famous guild, and Sir Hunt is known for his sword skills. I’ve heard that he’s so strong he can even cut boulders apart!”

“With Sir Hunt around, that guy’s dead meat!”

that arrogant bastard a lesson and protect Balerno

showed their support for

that? I’ve never even heard of that name.” The man in

that there’s always someone stronger than you!” Toby bellowed,

as he charged toward the man in green, sparks flying from the point of

sword and brought it down heavily, causing a whistling noise as the blade cut through the air. The force he exerted was enough to take down

There was a loud clang as the two weapons collided with each other. Then Toby’s sword flew out of

on, the man in green delivered his second blow by jabbing his spear into Toby’s shoulder, and then he flicked Toby off the platform. This

Sir Hunt is no match for him. He’s a beast!”

they just witnessed. Toby was a famous martial artist in the martial world; he was especially skilled with his sword, so no one expected him to lose to a young man. “Pathetic!” The man in green humphed. “Are all Balerno

you a lesson!” Just then, a man in his twilight years jumped into the ring. His movements were swift as he lunged toward the man in green with a pair

Chapter 621

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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