Chapter 622

If the man had only defeated one opponent, others might have considered it was due to his luck. However, defeating several dozen opponents nonstop could only mean that he was an incredibly powerful individual.

Thanks to that, the man finally earned some recognition from the crowd.

“Who is this guy? He’s so strong!”

“A man dressed in green and good at using a spear? Don’t tell me he’s the person who rose to fame in the martial world recently by challenging strong fighters–Verdant Phantom?”

“What? Verdant Phantom? I heard that even Geoffrey Vaughn, who’s in the top twenty of The Heavenly Immortals, lost to him!”

“He defeated someone as strong as Geoffrey Vaughn? He’s a monster!”

Everyone was shocked to hear his nickname. After all, the name Verdant Phantom had been gathering attention, especially after the man defeated Geoffrey Vaughn. However, since he never appeared in public, few knew what he looked like.

Everyone was surprised to learn that he would show up. They were even more shocked to see him challenging Balerno’s martial arts so openly.

turn now, Terry Doyle!” Verdant Phantom lifted his spear and pointed its tip in Terry’s

strong. I wonder if

thirteenth on The Heavenly Immortals, while Verdant Phantom was able to defeat someone who’s on the top twenty of the same list. It’s hard

seems like Terry Doyle finally met

The crowd gossiped nervously.

my challenge? Or do

gradually approached the platform. “I don’t know where you’re from, but you

Phantom snorted. “You sure talk big for someone who’s about

calmly stood up with his hands

Immortals. You’re nothing more than a stepping stone for my journey to reach the top of

rebutted his arrogant words after they had witnessed his strength

gap between each rank on The Heavenly Immortals is like a river. Compared to me, those that you defeated are about seven ranks lower than me,

spear alone, I’ll defeat every single

a reckless fellow. Well, I hope you don’t disappoint me later,” Terry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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