Chapter 640

“Evidence? Where is it?” Dahlia was taken aback.

“It’s with me now.” It appeared that Dustin came prepared, as he took out two pieces of evidence.” These are the autopsy results. This can prove that James was poisoned to death. While this black. needle is the murder weapon.”

“What?” Dahlia examined it curiously.

Dustin added, saying, “If you don’t believe me, you can get it tested personally.” Although he had the evidence, it would be hard to convince her without finding the murderer.

“No need for that. I believe you.” Dahlia’s expression was solemn. “To be honest, I know that you’re not the murderer and that this has all been a misunderstanding.”

Dustin smiled. “I’m happy that you think that way.

so lost, and I don’t know what to do. I’m scared… I’m scared that I will lose you too. I’m scared

her reservations, and she threw herself into his arms, her sobs intensified.

cry. It’ll be alright once you cry it out. Oh, by

looked up in shock.

repeat myself, then. I


it can’t be! You must be lying! How could you be

couldn’t bear to continue deceiving you, especially when I see you crying so miserably.

not that kind of

know me?”

collecting evidence?”

But I’ve lost interest, so I

you were the one who killed my brother?”

the murderer. What do you plan

took out a dagger and

Dahlia mercilessly, causing her to fall to the floor. The dagger

about to get up when Dustin grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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