Chapter 639

That night, in the second-floor office of the Flame Dragon Dojo.

“Sir Rhys, you were so cool today! Not only did you show the Doyle family who’s boss, but you also made the Flame Dragon Gang famous all across Balerno! We have around a thousand members now, and they all admire you greatly!” Nelson poured Dustin a cup of coffee while he showered him with compliments; his excitement and elation were evident.

He’d been worried that the Doyles would seize the opportunity and take revenge on them if Dustin. lost. He didn’t expect their gang leader to be so incredible. Against all odds, Dustin turned the tide. and achieved a resounding victory over Terry. He had become famous through a single battle.

been flattering him in various ways, singing all sorts of praises that Dustin could think of. If people didn’t know any better, they would think Nelson was flirting with Dustin from the look on

Rhys, did you know that after your victory, many talented individuals have sought to join our gang? I’ve tested out their skills, and every one of them is no ordinary talent. With a little training, they could turn

would be advantageous to him if the Flame, Dragon Gang expanded well. However, he had to clearly plan out their expansion,

in that area, I’ll be able to tell their character from just one look.” Nelson grinned confidently. He’d

the murderer. Make sure not to slack off in that regard,”

men have been working hard on investigating. I believe we will have

me know immediately if you get

Nelson left after

and saw that it

in James’ death. With the current situation, he couldn’t

Dustin answered immediately

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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