Chapter 600

“If you promise not to kill me, I’ll tell you the truth.” Duncan said, attempting to negotiate terms.

“No thanks. You can just go die.” As soon as Dustin finished speaking, he stomped his foot hard on Duncan’s head

“No-” Duncan tried to wail before his head exploded into pieces. And just like that, he was dead.

“Mr Rhys, the people outside have been taken care of ”

At that moment, two masked martial artists dressed in black garments walked in. They were elite. shadow guards.

“Excellent. Clean this place up, and send the body straight to the Doyle home,” Dustin ordered.

The two exchanged glances, but in the end, they still nodded. “Yes.”

Dustin said nothing more. He carried the unconscious Dahlia and briskly walked out of the

underground casino.

The moment he stepped out the doors, he noticed a suspicious figure lurking in a corner. It was none other than James, who had managed to escape earlier.

threw a glance

you. You scared me.” James couldn’t help but let

why didn’t you come earlier? Don’t you know how much danger

come to the rescue, my hand wouldn’t have been chopped off.

without at least eighteen million dollars,

sentence, Dustin had already raised

across the face.

impact, almost falling over. His cheek began to swell

you hit me for?!”

radiating shock and fury.

was for

cold face, Dustin raised his hand and gave him


one is for your

for throwing Dahlia under

loud ringing sound as it landed on James‘ face. He was smacked so hard

was so swollen that he now

of the road, and Florence immediately jumped off the

Chank Sp

saw his mother, he immediately ran into her arms, crying. He wailed. “That bastard Dustin is crazy! Look at what he did

hit my son?!” Florence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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