Chapter 599

Dustin stepped through the door, his gaze terrifyingly cold.

From the moment he saw Dahlia’s text, he knew something was wrong, so he rushed here as fast as he.could

“W–what are you doing here?!” Duncan’s eyes widened, and he staggered backward in fear.

“Didn’t you call me to ask me to come over? Well, now I’m here. What are you going to do?” Dustin began approaching him.

“Someone, come quick!” Duncan screamed.

However, strangely enough, no one outside responded. It was as though those men stationed outside had disappeared into thin air.

“Where the fuck are you all? Hello?!” Duncan continued hollering

But no matter how much he yelled, there was no response.

not to cross me again. Or else, you’ll die a miserable death. What, did

any closer, or you won’t step out of this place ever again!”

me, how do you want to die?” Dustin asked

I’ll blow your brains out!” At that moment, Duncan suddenly took a gun from the drawer and pointed it right at Dustin’s head. Now


asking for it!” Duncan pulled the trigger without a second

of a shot being fired. Yet, Dustin was still standing in the same spot and did not

was completely unharmed from head

two more times. Yet, it was the

that I can’t kill you!” Duncan clenched his jaw and began to shoot

Dustin was still standing in the same spot. His

a ghost?” Duncan was so scared that cold sweat began

even if he closed his eyes. Yet, he’d fired over a dozen bullets, but he

kill me with these things?” Dustin slowly opened his fist to reveal a handful


bullets in his

Duncan’s expression turned into one

his opponent had caught all the bullets that he’d shot earlier with his bare hand? Was he even fucking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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