Chapter 598

“Cash?” Dahlia frowned and said, “Where will I get so much cash at such short notice?

“That’s for you to figure out. We only accept cash here,” Duncan said casually.

“You’re just making things difficult for me on purpose!” Dahlia’s expression was icy. She would probably need a truck to transport 38 million dollars worth of cash.

“Ms. Nicholson, mind your words, Does your brother still want to keep his other hand?” Duncan swept his gaze toward James.

“You!” Dahlia gritted her teeth and managed to control herself. “Can you give me two days? I’ll bring you the cash as fast as I can.”

“I wouldn’t say no, but you have to have a few drinks with me first.” Duncan stood up slowly and took two glasses out from the drinks cabinet. He filled them with whisky and handed one to Dahlia. “Drink this, and I’ll consider giving you two days.”

at the glass full of whisky, Dahlia couldn’t help but frown slightly. Duncan obviously didn’t have

drank it.

said, It’s only right for one to repay their debt if they owe money. If they can’t, then I have no choice but to cut their limbs

evilly and immediately

out of his wits as he begged for mercy. “Dahlia! Save me! Save me, quick! I’m your brother! I don’t want to become handicapped. I’m begging you. Hurry up and

off!” Duncan

about to

that’s more like it … Drink up,” Duncan said with a sly

deep breath, picked up the glass, and downed the whiskey in one go. Even though. she knew that something was wrong with it, she had no choice but to drink it because her brother’s life was in Duncan’s hands.

again. Dahlia frowned deeply, and she hesitated for

  1. up.

herself out the door. However, before she could take more than two steps, her

fainted on the floor.

I’ll see how you try to run away from me,” Duncan said while stroking his


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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