Chapter 597

In the president’s office at Nicholson Corp, Dahlia took a sip of coffee and continued immersing. herself in work. Although Hank didn’t show it, he was facing all sorts of obstacles in private. He pushed every matter to her, regardless of whether it was big or small, which caused her to be so busy that she had to work overtime every day till midnight.

“Ms. Nicholson….” Right then, a young female assistant knocked on the door all of a sudden.

“What is it?” Dahlia looked up at her. Because Julie wasn’t a very reliable secretary, she hired another assistant, Kelly Porch, to share the workload.

“Ms. Nicholson, someone sent you a parcel and asked me to pass it to you directly. The person mentioned that it’s a surprise,” Kelly said, holding a gift box.

“Okay, put it on the desk.” Dahlia nodded, then a thought struck her. “Kelly, it’s getting late. You

should head home first. You don’t have to wait for me.”

Nicholson.” Kelly turned around and

eyes and finally finished her work. She turned her gaze to the gift box and decided to open it. However, the moment she opened it, she was so frightened that her face went deathly pale. What lay inside the gift box was a

she was still in shock, her phone suddenly rang. When she answered it, she immediately heard Duncan’s voice. “Ms. Nicholson, you must have

you?” Dahlia’s expression

I am is not important. What’s important is that your brother owes me

should I believe

me? Then listen for yourself.” Duncan

cut my

What’s going on? Why would you

here with the money, or I’m

in exchange for him. Otherwise,

You just want money, don’t you? I’ll give it to you!” said Dahlia in

grand arrival,” Duncan said with a

around and do nothing when her brother was in danger. While driving, she called Dustin, but he didn’t


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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