Chapter 596

Without even looking at what was typed out on the promissory note, James proceeded to sign it and immediately joined the next round of the game. But in less than 15 minutes, he lost all two billion dollars worth of chips again.

“We’re out of chips again, James‘ Should we borrow more? The young lady asked once again.

“Yes! Get as much as you can! James growled. At that moment, he had completely lost control of his senses, his actions only driven by the relentless desire to win back what he lost and make the man with the hooked nose regret what he said.

Two hours later, James was drenched in sweat and panting uncontrollably, his eyes were bloodshot. His expression was somewhat horrifying

“Sorry man, Three of a Kind and One Pair. That makes a Full House. You’ve lost again. “The man opposite him showed his hand and smiled meanly.

“Go! Borrow some more! I refuse to believe that I’ll keep losing today! James shouted.

“You’ve already lost too much, James. They refuse to lend you anymore,” The young lady answered

I can’t afford to pay them back? I’ll have you know that my sister is the chairperson of Nicholson Corp.! She has assets worth over a hundred

with you.” Out of nowhere,

James‘ shoulder from behind.

immediately. Just as he was about to start acting aggressively, he froze. Behind him stood several insanely buff men who were wearing

James put

My boss would like to talk to you about your payment. Come with us.” As the leader of the group of henchmen spoke, he inconspicuously flashed the gun fastened

with a cigar perched on

and locked the door from outside. James gulped dryly when he saw the room full of menacing and fierce henchmen. His

taking a long swig of his cigar and slowly exhaling, releasing a puff of

Sir. Have we met? James asked

Doyle,” The man

Doyle? From the prestigious

Now, let’s talk about my money. So, you borrowed a total of 38 million dollars tonight. How are you going to pay it back?” As Duncan spoke, he slapped a thick stack of promissory notes on

That much?” James could not believe his ears and quickly flipped through the notes to check. By then, he was already thoroughly drenched in sweat. “M–Mr. Doyle, these notes


would I be lending out money if not for the

isn’t the interest too high?”

You either pay me what you owe or I’ll chop your limbs off!” Duncan glared at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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