Chapter 595

James was happily engrossed in a game of Taxus Poker at an illegal casino that evening. Beside him sat a young lady with short hair who was dressed in revealing attire. Judging from the casino

chips on the table, it looked like they had been winning a lot.

“I have a pair of Queens. Show your hand!” A man with a hooked nose who sat opposite James

revealed his hand

“You dare challenge me with just à pair of Queens? Keep your eyes open, buddy. I’ve got Three of a Kind James grinned, flipping his cards over to show a pair of sixes. Since there was a six in one

of the five community cards, they made a set of three sixes, also known as three of a kind.

The rules of Taxus Poker are simple. There were five community cards, and each player was dealt two hole cards. These can then be combined in any way to form the best five–card hand. The

highest–ranking hand is a Royal Flush, followed by Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Three of a

Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and finally, a High Card.

won again! You’re amazing!” The lady with short hair cheered excitedly, admiration

luck isn’t the only factor in a game of Taxus Poker. It’s a matter of skill too. I

tricks! There’s no way

based on your chips, you’ve probably won at least

as her

James pressed a chip worth 20

with a chuckle.

flashed him a radiant smile


around the lady’s neck. He was happy with how

tonight, James. Why don’t you play

money while Lady Luck is on your side!” The young lady did not

rascal! Are you running off after winning just so little? What a loser! Would you dare play another game with me?” The man with the hooked nose who sat opposite James

all the money you can win off of him. You shouldn’t miss the chance!” The young lady

like you enjoy losing money. I’ll see to it that you walk out without a

Half an hour later.

man opposite James showed his hand, revealing a set of


Change pok

hand on the table. With beads of sweat on his forehead and red, bloodshot eyes, he

a million dollars without breaking a sweat. But now, it seemed as though Lady Luck had frowned on him, and he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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