Chapter 650

“Good job, you gave them a good beating!”

“These bullies who only pick on the weak deserve to be punished!”

The onlookers, who were all Abigail’s neighbors, cheered and applauded when they saw that Abigail had won. They were often bullied by the gangsters and finally felt avenged.

“Abigail, you’re too impulsive. You shouldn’t have laid a hand on these people!” At that moment, Mr. Robinson limped forward, his face etched with worry.

“Why can’t I? They’re bullying us. Do you want me to just take this sitting down?” Abigail frowned. She thought her courageous act would earn her father’s praise. She didn’t expect him to reprimand her instead.

“Abigail, you’re too young. You don’t understand how evil society is. These men have people backing them. The situation will only worsen since you beat them up.” Mr. Robinson had a pained


I’m afraid? Not to mention, if I hadn’t acted, would our

possession. It’s alright if they tear down our house, as long as we

beats you up. Do you know that the weaker you are, the more you’ll be targeted? How long will it take for you to stand

Robinson was rendered speechless. As a father, he only wished for his daughter’s safety. It didn’t matter if he was

man in sunglasses opened the car door and got

who are you?” Abigail gripped her baseball bat once more,

the Charging Tiger Gang. You just beat up my

onlookers’ expressions fell with his

Flame Dragon Gang They mainly engaged in illicit activities and recruited vile people. Notorious for their brutal methods, anyone who resisted the Charging Tiger Gang would suffer unimaginable pain. Over time, they became untouchable as their reputation spread far and wide. Just the mention of their gang sent fear through

if you’re from the Charging Tiger Gang? I’m not afraid of you!” Abigail raised her

you a chance.” With a grin, he said, “As long as you agree to

How about it?”

a load of crap! Get lost, before

being rejected. The consequences will be severe if you make me angry.” Chad’s expression was

out.” Suddenly, Mr. Robinson rushed up to him and smiled apologetically. ” My daughter

I’m going to let her go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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