Chapter 649

Dustin’s phone suddenly rang on his way back to the Flame Dragon Dojo. Abigail’s voice came through on the other side of the line when he answered.

Her tone was anxious as soon as she spoke. “Sir, things are not good! There’s some trouble at home!

“What kind of trouble?” Dustin’s forehead creased slightly with worry..

“I’m not sure of the exact situation, but there are a lot of people outside our house and two excavators. It seems like they are going to forcibly demolish our house.”

“Forced demolition? That’s going overboard!” Dustin’s expression darkened. “Try to hold them back, I’ll be there immediately.”

starting-!” While Abigail was speaking, she seemed to notice something and cried out, “You bastards, how dare you lay a hand on my father! I’m

As they were clearly in danger, Dustin didn’t hesitate when he turned the car around and sped

two-story home in Central Village, Abigail held a baseball bat with both hands, keeping guard at the front. She was sweating profusely and panting; her complexion was pale. It was obvious that she was out of energy. However, at her feet were the bodies of more than ten men. They were the gangsters she had beaten

tiger!” The gangsters grumbled under their breaths. Although they looked menacing, their gaze showed a hint

everything they did usually went smoothly and effortlessly. They didn’t expect to run


to 18 had single-handedly knocked down more than ten of their men. They

With their own eyes.

moment, the window of a Mercedes Benz was rolled down, and a young man wearing sunglasses with hollow cheeks poked his

too good. We aren’t able to

whatever it takes! You can’t handle a small child? What

expressions, but they could only nod. After exchanging glances, they gritted their teeth and




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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