Chapter 648

“Dahlia! Did this bastard feed you a love potion? How can you believe him?” Florence was both furious and shocked. She couldn’t believe her daughter had turned into such a shameful woman. She was ignoring her brother’s death for the sake of a wretched man. She was even defending the killer. It was foolish behavior!

“I believe him because there are indeed questionable circumstances surrounding James’ death. I don’t wish to unjustly accuse a good man,” Dahlia explained.

“A good man, my fucking ass! You can tell he’s a wretched person just by how obnoxious and cunning he is! I must hand him over to the authorities today!” Florence was unyielding, shouting, and ready to act.

“Mom, can you calm down?” Dahlia stood in front of her mom, trying to stop her.

her daughter aside. “Get out of

stood her ground. In the end, the two started


This situation-” Before Dahlia could continue, an enraged Florence delivered. a heavy slap across

you have a conscience? James is your brother! What kind of a sister are you?” Florence fumed with rage as she screamed. Throughout her life, she

Realizing that the situation was getting out of hand, Victoria tried to calm the situation.” Dahlia, you’re

and step aside.”

her cheek burned Calmly, she told her mother, “Mom, can you believe me this once?

to bring herself to do it. She knew

five days. I’ll definitely catch the murderer within five days. Otherwise, you can do whatever you want with me.” His

Florence suppressed her anger and turned to Dahlia

be sending someone to tail you!” After

followed Florence out the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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