Chapter 614

Maggie handed the challenge letter to Terry.

“A duel in three days?” Terry sniggered after reading the letter. “It seems like I’ve been isolating myself for too long. Even weaklings dare to challenge me now.”

“You have to get even for me, Terry.” Maggie pleaded.

“Don’t worry. I’ll stand up for you!” Terry’s eyes glinted dangerously. “Help me spread the news of this challenge. I want to take this opportunity to scare off the weaklings and show others our family’s strength!”

“Sure!” Maggie immediately got to work.

In less than a day, news about the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang challenging Terry Doyle spread far and wide. Although not many knew who the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang was, they were well aware of who Terry was. Therefore, the news excited over half of the people in Millsburg, especially those in the martial arts world.

on The Heavenly Immortals. Usually, it would be hard to even catch a glimpse of the

in the Harmon

Terry Doyle to a duel? Are you kidding me, Dad?” Natasha sprung out of her chair

of his tea. “The Doyle family made the announcement

did Dustin suddenly

Dustin and the Doyle family has been going on for quite a while. I have a feeling that Dustin is using this chance


reckless! Terry Doyle is a

be messed with. I must talk Dustin out

grabbed her phone to call Dustin, but Hector stopped her. “Dustin was the one who issued the challenge. It’ll be extremely humiliating

that’s better than dying,

enough by now. If he wasn’t confident he would win, do you think he

on the line?”

If Dustin loses the competition, he’ll be dead

for Dustin, she could no longer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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