Chapter 613

At the training grounds of the Doyle family mansion, ten heavily armed elite martial artists were surrounding an unarmed young man.

The man had long, flowing hair and a handsome face with a sharp gaze. His movements were swift and graceful as he effortlessly evaded the attacks from the ten martial artists with his hands clasped behind his back.

What made him more fearsome were the weights he was carrying. Tied all over his body were a bunch of hefty, dark steel weights that could make even the best Divine–level martial artists struggle. Yet the man seemed completely unbothered by the weights as he toyed with the other fighters. The only person who could do something like this was the Doyle family’s genius, Terry Doyle!

“N–no more, Mr. Terry. We give up.” 30 minutes later, the ten fighters had all collapsed onto the floor, panting and sweating buckets. Each of them was a well–known fighter in the martial arts world, yet even with their combined efforts, they hadn’t even been able to put a scratch on Terry.

“You guys have been getting worse. Today’s training was nothing.” Terry humphed, displeased.

“Sir, we haven’t been getting worse, you just became stronger again.” Someone grumbled.

least on par with you two years ago. But now, we can’t even touch you despite you wearing those weights

since you’re a

singing praises for Terry, but that didn’t

useless things. Scram!” Terry snapped, sending them

is my only rival

fight in the martial world, which was why his name didn’t appear on The Heavenly Immortals. Still, Terry knew that with Tyler’s strength, the latter could easily make it to the top of the list, so he couldn’t


Her disheveled looks and unrecognizable face were ghastly.

you? How dare you trespass into our forbidden training grounds!” Startled, Maggie stopped in her tracks and pulled her hair away from her face. “It’s me, Maggie!” “Maggie?”

up!” Maggie’s lower lip quivered before she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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