Chapter 588

“Mom just called me to say that someone spotted Terrence having a meal at Saffron Restaurant.

She’s heading over with Aunt Florence and wants us to come along to catch the swindler too!”

Julie told Dahlia.

“Terrence Stone? How dare that cheat show his face in public again?” Dahlia was furious. He had nearly made her family go bankrupt because of the issue with the abandoned building. In the end, it was Dustin who took one for the family and bought it over. Hence, she had nothing good to say about Terrence.

“Stop being idle, Dustin! Go, get a car! We need to make Terrence give back all the money he ripped us off!” Julie said resentfully.

“I’ve bought over the abandoned building, so neither of you made any losses. Why are you both so worked up?” Dustin couldn’t comprehend their anger.

“Hey! What do you mean? A con man like Terrence needs to be taught a lesson! We should act for

justice!” Julie declared righteously.

He knew very well what was going on in Julie’s head. Her declaration of justice was bullshit.


the three of them hurried

eatery with a good ambiance, excellent service, and

be expected that a place like that would charge

who had dressed up

having one too many drinks, a man with

“I’ve heard from some official sources that

key project. Its value is

Terrence was stunned by what he heard. “You’re not joking, are you, Richie? That place’s trash! Why would

true!” The man with the rounded face said, “My father works with the relevant

that plot of land where the abandoned construction is, Terrence?”

I could not understand why Terrence would buy that piece of land back then! In

the developments would

Terrence! You’ve struck gold this time around! Don’t forget


Chapter 588

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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