Chapter 589

“You swindler! Give me back my money!” Florence began shouting aggressively the moment she entered. She had even gotten several stout and burly women to come along with her to back her

  1. up.

“Why are you here?” A sudden feeling of guilt came over Terrence, and his expression changed. He had not expected them to barge in while he was having a meal.

“How are we going to catch the swindler if we didn’t come here personally?” Victoria shot him a glare.

“That’s right! How dare you enjoy dining in such a luxurious place after cheating us of our money? You’re utterly shameless!” Florence demanded with her hands on her hips.

“Who are these shrews, Terrence? Should we throw them out?” Terrence’s friends asked meanly. Terrence was about to be the wealthiest one among them, so they were all dying to suck up to him.

“No, that won’t be necessary. I know them.” An idea came to Terrence, and he quickly told his friends, “You guys head on back for now. I’ve got some personal matters to deal with. I’ll buy you all a meal some other day.” And with that, he urged his friends to leave the private room.

“I don’t give a damn about what tricks you have up your sleeves, Terrence. Give me my money now!

“Victoria was not about to back off any time soon.

“Victoria, let’s sit down and talk, shall we? Don’t get all worked up.” With a smile on his face, he poured everyone a cup of tea.

“Cut the crap, you swindler!” Not wishing to waste her time on him, Victoria knocked the cup of

tea over.

“I don’t think I follow, Victoria. When have I swindled you?” Terrence pretended not to understand

what she was going on about.

“Oh, so you’re still trying to deny what you’ve done?” Victoria shot daggers at him with her eyes.

“You’re playing the fool with us, are you? Here, I’ll help jog your memory. A week ago, you swindled us into purchasing the plot of land where the abandoned building was, for a total of a hundred million dollars. Do you remember now?” Florence’s piercing gaze bore into Terrence. That piece of land had nearly caused her to go bankrupt, and she still had recurring nightmares

about it.

had been wronged. “About that piece of land, that was all because of my friend. I’m

money too!”

think we’d buy that?” Victoria had

you’re a victim too? We couldn’t find you, nor could we contact you. I’m

I really am a victim too!” With the most miserable look he could manage, Terrence said, “I haven’t shown myself for the past few days because I was too


Chapter 588

and tried to court his

however, sat frozen where he was for a long time. Never had he dreamed that the abandoned construction site

Are you feeling alright?” Terrence’s

terms with the fact that he’s going to be filthy rich!”

does that abandoned building


felt like he’d been struck

Terrence gave himself two slaps on the face. “I–I’m the greatest idiot!” How could he have just

everyone wondered what was wrong with Terrence, the door of the private room was kicked open with a loud bang. Then, Florence, Victoria, and a

Stone! There you

money! Give me all the money

Give me back my money!” Florence began shouting aggressively the moment she entered. She had even gotten several stout

  1. up.

guilt came over Terrence, and his expression changed. He had not expected them to barge in

to catch the swindler if we didn’t come here personally?” Victoria


enjoy dining in such a luxurious place after cheating us of our

shrews, Terrence? Should we throw them out?”

was about to be the wealthiest one among them, so they were all dying

“You guys head on back for now. I’ve got

give a damn about what tricks you have

about to back off any time

up.” With a smile

the crap, you swindler!” Not wishing to waste her time on

tea over.

I follow, Victoria. When have I

she was going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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