Chapter 243


Aaron’s blunt words make my blood run cold.

Is this really happening?

Half of my childhood was sacrificed to prevent more war.

Now it looks as if an entirely new war is about to begin.

One that pits us against the very Council itself.

Part of me is terrified.

How can we take on the Council who rule all the packs, and expect to win?

Are we crazy for doing this?

But then, knowing everything we know, and considering the way Tobin came after Aaron, and someone attacked the hospital NICU with the express purpose of killing my infant son, how can we not do this?

if we didn’t fight, it’s obvious that whoever was helping Tobin won’t stop coming for

won’t be happy until

all three of us-me, Ethan and Aaron-are

Council have become corrupt, and we’re no longer talking about the survival of ourselves, or even just

even though us wolves mostly live separately from humans and they don’t even know about our existence, that

anything to Aaron’s startling announcement that we must prepare for war, James knocks on the door and hurries in without waiting for either

look on his face, I immediately

Something is happening.

it is, it’s

it might be

wrong?” Aaron asks, climbing to his

main gate,” James reports. “Do we stand, or do we let

asks as he throws on

“Six cars,” James replies.


“They’re on our pack land, walked right into our territory. We have the advantage, we could easily defeat thirty Council Enforcer wolves, even the highly

erupts with nervous butterflies

from that,” I say to him. That is blatantly defying and attacking the


to James “Tell the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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