Chapter 244

Aaron and I make our way to the formal sitting room we use to entertain important guests.

We wait silently, and time seems to drag on forever.

Eventually there are voices and footsteps in the hall, and then James leads The Elder Samsen and The Elder Petyr into the room, two of the highest-ranking Council members.

I swallow down a surge of anxiety at their appearance here.

“Alpha Rathborn,” Elder Samsen greets, his tone and features serious. I assume you know why we’re here.”

Aaron inclines his head. “Tobin is dead.”

This bluntness seems to surprise Samsen and Petyr, because they share a quick look

“So you admit to killing Councilmember Tobin Havelock to assume his Alpha powers and control of his pack?”

“Adam killed Tobin!” I blurt out, and I sense Aaron stiffen next to me, obviously not wanting me to draw attention to myself

But it’s too late. Both Samsen and Petyr swing their gazes to me.

And then it’s like they’re seeing me for the first time. Samsen subtly scents the air while Petyr’s eyes narrow.

“Luna Leah, if Adam killed Tobin, how have you come to possess the powers of the Havelock Alpha?” Petyr demands in a sharp voice.

killed Adam,” I reply defiantly, tilting my chin

for protecting

my son, Ethan, and planned to kill Aaron I did what I had to in order to keep

and I can’t read them I can’t tell if they believe me or

believe the child had died.

feel Aaron bristle and know he’s working

voice low and growly. “My son barely survived. I let everyone believe he

Petyr don’t buy this, and don’t like

proof? Samsen demands. “And how do we know this all simply wasn’t a conspiracy of your own design to gain more pack lands, more

a hint of unease radiating from the two

Oh my go d.

They’re intimidated by us.

worried about what we’ve done, and what we plan to

It’s probably not surprising

three Alphas, he’s more powerful than any of

Alpha powers again myself, even though

have the pack lands and wolves that account for over a third of all the packs in the

we truly wanted to, we could change the very landscape of the entire pack hierarchy

Chapter 244

realize it won’t matter what we

already made up

to them personally, and everything the

until they’ve taken everything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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