Chapter 272


I’m wrenched out of the dream like hitting a wall at a hundred

miles an hour.

What the hell was that?

I sit up, waiting for the weird sense of being tossed out of time and space, knowing I’m physically here in the cell, but feeling

like I should be somewhere else.

With someone else.

With my mate.

She’s still alive, my wolf insists. Go to her. Find her.

Claim her.

I shake my head, trying to get my wolf to calm the hell down.

Leah is gone.

I saw it with my own eyes…

Or did I??

It certainly seemed like Samsen and Petyr were acting like she was dead, but I didn’t physically confirm it myself.

Except I’m just grasping at straws.

What possible reason would Samsen and Petyr have to pretend Leah was dead if she wasn’t?

Except now I feel like I’ve got a burr caught in my mind.

Because of that dream.

It was so dam n real.

fact, I don’t even think

gone to that meadow and

with Leah.

and real, now it feels like a memory, not a simple product of


this underground cell-and I don’t bother trying

sit there and

in the

the mating bond and

has been keeping me

let me see any visitors, they haven’t let me make any phone calls and they certainly haven’t let me out of this cell. I see the same rotation of four Enforcers over

I’m beginning to

that they would get


about this whole situation

than the Council simply railroading me into false treason

I now know how good the Council is at keeping secrets, since rumors stated that Axel had gone to North Dakota, yet they’d been keeping him in their


and I’m determined to figure out what

there, thinking and stewing, getting

the familiar clang of an Enforcer coming down

first goes over and slides Axel’s tray in the slot at the

as the Enforcer crouches

any longer, but on

And then I lunge.

arms through the silver bars

fast for

into the bars until his face-and anywhere else bare flesh is touching

immediately howls and starts struggling against

drag him in tighter, until

of the bars, he’s

I tell him in a low threatening voice. “You’re going to tell me exactly what’s going on out there


nod, wheezing with

won’t the Council let me make any calls or see

just enough for the guy to suck in a panicked breath, but also

you died after breaking your mating bond,” he

what?” I demand furiously, yanking him in tight again. “What else are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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