Chapter 273

The pain is what wakes me up.

I find myself tied to a chair, held in place by the same kind of silver-wolfsbane infused chains that Tobin used that night at the factory when he tried to kill me for my Alpha powers.

I bring my head up, clenching my jaw against the constant searing and burning that’s keeping me from shifting back into my wolf.

I’m in some kind of rundown house, in what was once maybe a den or living room.

The ceiling is water stained, the carpet is mottled and moldy so it’s impossible to tell what the original color was, the drywall is cracked, and the dirty, tattered curtains shift from the breeze coming in from the broken window.

It smells like rats and decay.

What the hell am I doing here?

Why aren’t I in the cells in the basement of the Council Hall any longer?


opens and in walks

I’m not

this low-level vibe of malice that wasn’t obvious on the surface of her personality where she seems like an upstanding Councilmember who only wants

says as

really are something. Wrap any other wolf in chains like that, and they would have been

Karolina?” I ask through a


a shrug, as if she doesn’t have a care in the world. But when she looks at me, I see the true frustration and fury in

a deceptively mild voice. “Besides, I don’t even know what plans you’re


to annoy

it all figured out with

up and start meddling, it just gets worse. The Old Ways don’t serve us any longer. The Old Ways mean we have to hide from humans. We’re hunted, even as we fight between ourselves to the point that our species is

expecting an answer, but I sit stubbornly

be strong enough to stand against whatever resistance I encounter when the world begins reshaping for the better. People can’t always see it that way, you know. They’re scared, so they hang onto what is familiar, even when it’s so obviously pointless. But they’ll see. They’ll see what we wolves can do when we innovate. When we create tools humans asked

to sink in through all the pain,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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