Frederick felt mad the whole day because Alicia had signed the divorce papers. The words 'keep away' were written all over his face! In a bad mood, he spent the day venting his anger in the boxing room. Then, he invited a few friends to East Bannpool for the night.

They were drinking in a private room with more and more people coming over. It was getting livelier in the room and the lot had a great time, playing games and drinking while Frederick had other thoughts. He was looking at his phone the whole night, watching the same page on a social media app- something that he seldom took note of.

"Frederick, why do you sit alone after you asked us out?"

Pouring him some beer, Carson looked at him again and signaled to Chet but the latter just shrugged and shook his head.

A young man who just came over shouted, "Carson, let's call a few girls in to entertain us! It's so boring with us men alone!"

"Let's call a few! My throat is itching to sing and I sing nothing but love songs. It'll be awkward to duet with you guys, right? It's so weird for two men to sing together! Let's call some girls! Call them in!" "Don't worry. We won't say anything if you secretly liked to sing love songs with man!"

"Areyou looking fortrouble?"

A few men echoed and chimed in, and the rest nodded along.

After a while, the hotel manager led in some pretty girls dressed skimpily. "Misters, these are some of the best girls we have here..."

Glancing at them, a young man shouted teasingly.

"Margaret, aren't there 'premium' ones here? Are you fooling with us? Do you think we're blind? You can just tell us if she isn't available."

The elegant middle-aged woman giggled upon hearing that.

too many guests today, please be understanding. Tiffany and Cherry will be here in a minute. There's also a new girl tonight, she'll definitely be the perfect girl! Allie, where are you? Come on in,

she walked to the door while Frederick looked up as if he had been struck by lightning. Next

stood straight, her dress fluttering, and unlike the other girls at the nightclub, she had a look of

and his lips pursed into a thin line. "She is ugly! How could she

time, a

little thing! Allie, right?

the man beside Frederick moved over to make space. Chet fixed his eyes on

beside Frederick with her head bowed. She habitually reached for the wine bottle.

one's desire to protect her. However, Frederick only found her slow and

was the 'perfect girl'? The

"What a bummer!"

his car keys. "Change your name to something else! It's

the sofa area. "You guys have fun, I'm off! All the

on the sofa, at each other, or at Frederick walking towards the door. All of them were dumbstruck. Chet immediately

something was

of the door closing, Kyle mumbled, "What's... what's

looked at

beautiful, and quite good-looking; she did not even pull

of them

Wyatt and he understood in an instant. He turned around and spoke, "It's okay,

mood as he exited the nightclub. Right at that moment, he thought of how much she had loved money and how she signed the divorce papers without any hesitation. It was possible that she would work at these kinds of shady places if she did not have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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