Thinking of Alicia, Frederick's determined face softened a little.

"Promise Garden. That's my current residence. I need you to help me scout some suitable properties. The house doesn't need to be too big, either a single or double storey will do. A few hundred square feet will do, make sure it's low-rise where is suitable for seniors to live in, safe and a touch of luxury. A shop lot is okay too but don't rent it, just buy it. Renting is far too troublesome."

Wasn't Alicia's mother running a small business of her own? Since Alicia often got homesick, bringing her mother to live nearby would make her happy! Although it was not a problem for Frederick to have more people in his home, he had subconsciously hoped that there would be more privacy, as he didn't want his time with Alicia to be disturbed.

After much thought, he decided a place nearby would be best.

Being close to her, it was convenient for him to take care of her. Even if they fought, he would be able to pick her up in the middle of the night, or even stay overnight there! Her current home, even if he wanted to, there was nowhere for him to sleep!

For a moment, Chet's mind didn't register what was being said, "Frederick, this is...?"

There were already many houses under his name, he had a villa at Dorsett Residences which was near Landrum Garden!

"Alicia gets homesick easily! I want to bring my mother-in-law over, so we can bond and get closer! She alone cannot fill the emptiness of such a big house! A two-story small condominium is the best! If her mom likes doing business, let her continue, if she does not, find a servant to look after her! Either way is fine. If I'm not mistaken, the properties in Promise Garden's vicinity only consist of luxury villas and normal condos"

Even if he bought more land and built a house there, he would not be able to get the house as close to his location, and there simply was not enough time, he could only choose the properties nearby. "Frederick, you've really changed a lot!"

He was used to being alone. Perhaps his childhood experience had shaped him that way. His self- survival instinct was very strong, and he was a guarded person who liked his own privacy. This was not to say that he was stingy with his wealth, on the contrary, he was generous. But his need for his own private space was so extreme that even at home, no one could enter the house, not even the resident servants. Even when he was in a relationship with Danica, he never allowed her to stay overnight. Now, he actually took the initiative to include Alicia's mother into his daily life.

This was absolutely unimaginable!

In his very private life, he had always been very closed off! His attitude was frosty and frigid, like a fierce leopard guarding it's territory. Sharing would have definitely not been an option for him!

him so much, to the point of opening up the borders of his safe, private

Alicia's family and the more humane side of Frederick coming

stories high and around two hundred square meters, that should be a perfect fit, seeing as it's not too large. Also, there's a shopping mall in front of Lavender Garden. If you want to, you can buy an extra shop lot there too!" "Great! If there is a lot available,

the company. But since no one could find any fault in that, they couldn't file a complaint about her, on the other hand, it also annoyed them to no end. After entering the Company, she already had a strategy planned to last her till the end. In less than ten days after she joined, the people in the office were all worn out by her, angry

inexplicable harassment daily, she still enjoyed making some money for herself and spending it! However, looking at

to find people to talk to slowly made her feel depressed and bored. She began to doubt whether there was something wrong with her personality and whether

I'm behaving

of distraction, Alicia then scratched her hair, saved her files, and locked her computer. Almost immediately, she unlocked the screen and checked it again. After a final check, she picked up a stack of documents on the

mind and study. She would take note of any information that interested her and make a copy. Although she could not take them out of company grounds, it was easy for her to study them anywhere she wanted to. As for those who asked her to run errands, Alicia finally understood that taking on more tasks entailed higher rates of error, and hence, offending someone would be inevitable. So, Alicia

the tasks, then she naturally would not

so, her facade as a lazy,

impatient Alicia was strolling calmly out of the office. Alas, she had too much time on her hands, that even her private jobs did not take up much

printing room, she could hear the photocopy machines at work, and saw

people waiting in the queue. They were empty-handed and most likely were there to print. Alicia looked at the documents in her hand and decided to

by walking to the printing room anyway. So, she headed to the elevator and as it was moving up, she decided to go to the printing room upstairs instead. Upon her

there were already so many people! Would going to another printing room yield better results? Mulling over the thought, she didn't join the queue. Instead, she leaned against the opposite wall and ruminated on the

a better chance joining

through the documents in her hand,

poked her head in, she saw several people selecting from a pile of documents. The machines were still busy

to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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