"Are your seniors making things difficult for you? Some people just can't stand watching others succeed! These are the kind of people I hate the most, seniors who bully those under them! That's why many talented freshmen who couldn't handle the unnecessary pressure that their seniors put on them quit! As long as you bear with it for a while, and bide your time till your probation period is over, once your placement is confirmed, all will be fine. Every newbie in a company has to go through this hardship. After all, experience creates skilled masters!"

Joel was very serious as he tried his best to comfort her.

Unbeknownst to Joel, she had actually dealt with many salesmen before and was clear about the very nature of these men. She knew they were smooth-talking people, often stretching the truth, and liked showing off. And in private, they would ridicule and joke about any matter, even if their spouses were the butt of the joke. But despite all this, she felt that Joel wasn't so bad after all.

Nodding, Alicia smiled, "Yes! Staying here is also proof of my ability to survive! I know-"

If one wanted to survive in this society, one had to conform and adapt to its rules. Alicia knew that no matter how capable one could be if they could not blend in with society, they would ultimately fail. Frankly, one had to either conform or face failure.

She understood the logic behind how society worked! If the tables were turned and she was short of money, maybe she too would abandon everything and risk her life to stay in the company! But the best didn't mean that it was the most appropriate!

Alicia could not deny Soaver International's excellence, but working here really put a strain on her happiness.

Undoubtedly, Joel's words had stirred up some emotions in her heart. Thinking of her current situation, she could not help but feel a rush of despair. But suddenly, a lollipop was handed to her. "Eat this! When you're unhappy, have something sweet, then you'd be reminded that life can still be sweet and delightful!"

He winked at her, like a playful and innocent boy. "It's my secret trick! Don't tell anyone!"

As he spoke, he handed the lollipop to her.

Looking at the colourful lollipop in front of her, Alicia uttered a quick thank you, feeling quite moved.

Frankly, she actually had been snacking on sweets for the last few years, especially when work was hard, as it could help her relieve her stress and alleviate her mood.

Toying with the lollipop, Alicia smiled faintly. Her face and skin radiated with beauty, and the soft light in her eyes seemed to light up the whole world in an instant. Joel's eyes glazed over as he took in her beauty. From the door, two men walked out and were stunned, captivated by Alicia's beauty as well.

"D*mn! She's so pretty..."

eyes, a panic look flashed across Alicia's face. Those men were shocked and one

no harm, please don't misunderstand me. I just

aren't you? You really are as

two men immediately jumped to life. Seeing that they had no ill intentions, Alicia relaxed and replied shyly, "Thank you for your compliments. All of you

had been a really long time since she had experienced the normal rhythm of life. The men she met were always very direct. Even her marriage with Frederick made her feel a little dizzy. She felt like a trance had

to express himself was also equally enthusiastic and helpful. Upon noticing

can do it on

the man plucked the folder from her hands. As the printer was just across the door, Alicia didn't

please, thank

her remove the wrapper. He then proceeded to go in and pick up his own printed materials. As she ate the lollipop and chatted around,

meeting, his executives in the lift

English version. Our products are very popular in these countries.

comes first! We'll look into this matter afterwards! Remind them to be mindful of their own safety!" While they were talking, the elevator doors opened unexpectedly. Frederick looked up, walked right out of the lift, leaving his executives


up in realization. "I'll accompany the president to look

printing room, several employees who were waiting for their printing gathered around Alicia, chatting and joking around. Alicia giggled as she bit

her, the man also smiled affably and said, "Alicia, it's done. Can you check to see if

the two him, his


of the photocopies. The people around her slowly noticed the two silhouettes. One by one,

Do you

a lollipop in the other, she made out who the silhouettes were. Then, her hand dropped to her side and she pursed her lips. Frederick narrowed his eyes, his face


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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