Alicia didn't really understand what was going on. She stepped forward and flipped through the document. It was her own work, after all, and she immediately knew that this was the one she'd translated when she saw a few key points.

In other words, it wasn't an issue with the person who'd prepared the documents.

It was possible that either Liane or Giselle was framing her!

"Liane, you said that you were the one who translated this document, right?"

Alicia looked up and directly into Liane's eyes.

"What happens if I said that I have evidence that I was the one who translated this document? Why don't you think about it carefully? Are you sure that you were the one who translated this document?" Liane's heart was thumping in her chest as she clenched her hand into a fist. She quickly went through the document in her head and realized that were no signatures or special markings. As for the translation she thought to herself, "Weren't they all the same? How could she prove that the work was definitely hers? Was she going to hire an appraisal to appraise her work?"

Moreover, this was the first time Giselle had assigned her any work!

Liane unconsciously glanced at Giselle from the corner of her eye and saw her nodding slightly. Her intuition told her that Alicia was just trying to intimidate her.

"Come on, how can I not recognize my own work? Don't try and mislead the people in the room! I finished my work much earlier than you! The only thing was that I did not have the time to submit it into our company's email as I had too many tasks in hand. Are you accusing me of plagiarizing your work? You did not think of changing a single word and just copied the entire thing! Don't even try to deny it!" As soon as Chet turned to look at Giselle, she spoke up.

"Yes, I still have the soft copy in my computer, but I've been swamped with work lately, so I did not have time to look through it until this morning before the meeting. I realized that the work was very similar!" Giselle's words flowed smoothly and weren't too accusatory, but it was obvious that she wasn't being completely open.

Alicia could feel their unfriendly gazes on her. She quickly gave it a thought and realised that there were many people who could access the documents, and the documents were normally processed quickly. It wasn't easy to tamper with the work from there. However, it was hard to say when the work had been altered, especially once it was passed to Giselle. It was obvious that Giselle and Liane were on the same team!

that that is my work. She ought to give me an explanation and a head's up since she stole my work, or at

at least three copies that I have saved in my computer!" Alicia said. Liane interrupted her before she

like. If you say that you did it, I will believe you! However, I doubt that our style of translating is the same. How is it possible that we think alike and every word is exactly the same? Unless, you can read my thoughts? The documents contained a lot of technical terms. We had to go through three months of training to familiarize ourselves with those terms and you, a newcomer, who had just came back from a long break, is

was aggressive but Alicia was not fazed. Instead, she

you were the one who translated it, you should remember the contents! You have to stop calling me unprofessional because I have evidence to prove that I was the one who translated this document! After I translated it, I immediately submitted it to our company's email and there is proof of my submission. What about you? Are you able to prove when you translated your work or submitted it to the

of them had thought of this point. Hence, they arranged for a professional to delete all the information. Upon

don't have to argue anymore. It is impossible for you to change the

had already read


went through it and knew that she did not make much mistakes. On the

especially in internal documents like the company. She didn't care too much, anebof course, it was even less likely

going too

"Since you can't prove your innocence, I request to fire her immediately!" Frederick heard this sentence as

Frederick had returned safe and sound, she

Andrews, who was the chairman of the meeting, also gave up his seat at the head

his secretary. He had a serious look on his face and

have something to

the matter. When Frederick heard her, he immediately became furious as he bellowed, "How are you still not able to handle this matter on your own? You have

sorry, Mr.

trembling with fear! Frightened by Frederick's anger, Liane also gritted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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