Was Alicia trying to deceive her or did she actually edit the mistakes?

After giving it a thought, Liane said, "I'm a professional interpreter, unlike you, who doesn't even have the slightest bit of professionalism! I did not edit the mistakes. I just translated the document according to what was written on it! I have no idea what mistakes you're talking about!"

Alicia waved the documents in her hand.

"Yes, you are indeed a professional interpreter. You translated the document even when the whole thing was wrong! However, things were different this time. The translations were going to be used for a technical agreement. This agreement sent by the client obviously had certain errors, which would have been detrimental to our company and also today's meeting..."

"Maybe you noticed the error when you checked it! It doesn't mean anything! I just translated whatever that was written in the agreement and did not pay much attention to the details!" Liane interrupted. Liane tried her best to defend herself! "Yes, it does not mean anything. However, if I had not read through the agreement, it would be impossible for me to translate it. The first few pages of the agreement is all about our company's WDW machine's spring test. However, there were at least three pages of the agreement regarding the purchase of string-test. Though they might sound similar, the difference lies in "t" instead of "p". Those who did not realize it would brush it off as a typo. Although both of these are tests, they are also two different tests, using two different methods. Furthermore, these two items are two different models. I did my research and found out that our company did indeed have these products!" Alicia said.

Alicia quickly turned to a page in the middle of the document.

"However, the string test model does not belong to our department! I have specifically contacted Mr. Dick from Company CY to clarify the error in this agreement. He informed me that there were no mistakes in the agreement and there is only the need for spring testing in the future. Therefore, strictly speaking, most of the contents stated in this agreement is regarding the string test that doesn't belong to the sales scope of our department. In other words, this agreement should not be accepted by our department at all! The agenda of this meeting should not be about the WDW machine, instead, it should be about the spring test!"

Alicia took a deep breath before continuing.

"Giselle informed me that she needed this document for a meeting by today and I realized that I was short on time. I had no idea if the meeting was in the morning or in the afternoon. Therefore, I added a parentheses to emphasize the word "stringtest". It turned out that it was not an error! Everyone can take a look! Miss Simon, did you encounter the same situation in the agreement that you've translated, since you said that you're a professional interpreter? What proof do you have that you were the one who translated this agreement? If you are a professional, at least you should suggest that the string test team come to participate in the data review. Why didn't you bring it up? Or do you have a deeper understanding of the string test machine? If you say that this is a typo, then this document should be a spring test, but I can find at least ten errors and one of them had been marked clearly! What do you have to say for yourself? Moreover, I have proof of the email I've sent to Mr. Dick."

Liane's face grew pale when she heard Alicia's words. Frederick's face immediately darkened as he threw a cold look at Giselle.

"I want every one of you to write me a report!

The company is not a place for you to fight and scheme against each other! There are no shortage of capable employees or managers in the company! There will be a 50% deduction on this year's bonus. As for the three of you, you will not be getting any bonus this year! The meeting is dismissed! Get back to work!" Frederick roared.

Just as he was about to step out of the conference room, he turned around to look at Alicia and said, "You, come with me!"


looks of disdain from the people. However, everyone was staring at Liane and Giselle. Some


were filled with contempt and

her although she had only been back for a few days. She

over the entire room. When she saw that no one

a respectful distance from each other as they made their way to his office. When they entered the office, his secretary quickly placed several files on his table then excused herself and closed

took off his suit jacket and tossed it on the massage chair. He turned around and glanced at her, but did not say a

a trace of disdain from him. She raised her head at once, and stared back

was he staring at her like that? She

the table in the corner of the room. There was a beautiful bow tie


at a

the table, Frederick sat down

to help him


with warmth upon seeing her. He took her hand and motioned for her to

She knew it!

immediately accepted the gift with a

was rich and tasted like coffee. Frederick could not seem to wrap around his head about what happened just now as he held her in his

devil was a magnet

She'd just only come back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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