
Frederick answered and took a glance at the clock. He remembered that there were many follow-ups to do today, so he turned around and searched through his stuff for the documents he needed.

When Alicia saw that it was Frederick's secretary, Doris, who entered the room, she unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. In the presence of outsiders, even if they were familiar with each other, she felt the need to respect him. Just as she was about to excuse herself, Frederick suddenly spoke.

"Doris, what are you holding?"

Only then did Alicia notice that Doris was holding a rectangular box in her hand. She looked away and swallowed back her words.

Judging by the looks of the packaging, it should be some sort of painting.

Doris looked down at her hands and explained.

"Oh, Mr. Clements, this package is for you! You've recently been on a business trip, so someone directly sent it to the office. The security guard brought it up to the office. I saw that it was for you, so I decided to bring it to you!"

"For me? Who sent it?"

Frederick was a little confused. He didn't remember ordering anything recently, especially something so huge.

"There's only a shipping address and a phone number. There's no other information on the sender, but it's written.... private and confidential! Along with your name and the secretary office's number!" After thinking for a while, Frederick spoke.

"Put it down. Why don't you go ahead and greet Mr. Michaels first? Can you also inform the director of the sales department and ask him to bring his technicians? I'll be right there."


Doris carefully placed the package by the wall, turned around, and left.

Frederick stood up and briefly glanced at Alicia.

a meeting later." "Oh..." Alicia nodded and remained motionless. Her eyes were

not know why, but she had a

his suit jacket, he noticed that Alicia's eyes were fixed on the package. "If you

cutter from his desk. As soon as she turned around, Frederick suddenly

her, took the cutter from her hand and

in the package. What if

realized that it looked like a painting. The painting was wrapped in bubble wrap as well as a layer of waterproof sheet. There was also a

took the cutter from his hand and placed it back on the

She soon lost interest in it. Frederick had no clue who had sent this to him, so

an oil painting portrait. The background of the painting was mainly white. It was a man in a suit with a handsome face, deep facial features, a cold charm with charming blue eyes, as well as a noble temperament. These traits were all


This painting was a half-body portrait. In the painting,

this? Was she the one who sent this

to quickly cover up the painting, but Alicia had already caught a

looked at each other. Just as Frederick was about to say

strode for

this would happen. He instinctively reached out and pulled her into

to send me this painting! I don't even know what she meant... Don't be mad.

the painting into her arms and stroked her hair affectionately as he said, "Remember to help me throw the

around, and gathered the documents he needed for the meeting. He added, "Also, remember

leaned down and kissed her on the

way out of his office. He could not seem to get rid of

painting was extremely detailed

comparable to a photograph. Judging by the facial expressions, one could tell how detailed the painting was as

so could Alicia. However, they were both shocked for different reasons. Alicia sat on the ground

this painting? Tear it up?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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