Alicia knew this well. At this moment, she felt that Danica was starting to play up to Frederick's emotional side!

She wanted nothing more than to ask this b*tch out so that she could have a good fight with her. However, her inner voice was saying otherwise.

"You must not do it! Men are born with feelings, and they all sympathize with the weak. Especially weak women! Otherwise, why would there be so many mistresses in the world?"

She opened her eyes and tried her best to suppress the surging emotions in her heart. She said to herself, "I'm clearly in a much better position than her. Why must I stoop down to her level and create so much fuss?"

"I must do something about this, but it all depends on the level of fuss I create!"

She muttered to herself. She had to come up with a way to solve this matter rather than venting out her frustrations by destroying the painting! She had to find a way to solve this once for all! Alicia then stared at the screen in front of her, with the word report staring back at her. She sat up straight and began typing away.

On the other side, Frederick had finally returned to his office after the meeting. The first thing that caught his eyes when he entered the office was the painting. It was back in its initial packaging as it leaned against the wall neatly. He could not help but feeze when he saw the painting.

Why didn't she destroy the painting? Did she scribble over the painting or something?

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Frederick walked towards the painting and unwrapped the painting. The painting was actually still intact, with not a single scratch. His heart was almost instantly overwhelmed by an unspeakable emotion.

She didn't...

Sure enough, Alicia's not like the other women!

A trace of unspeakable guilt emerged in his heart in an instant as he thought to himself, "What am I going to do with this painting?"

He frowned and was in dilemma when Doris came in with a pile of documents in her hands. She said, "Mr. Clements, these are the notes from the meeting just now. There are also some documents from various departments that need your approval!"


He motioned for Doris to place the documents on his table. Then, he pointed to the painting and instructed, "Doris, can you please help me pack up that painting? And also put it somewhere unimportant." He just did not know what to do with the painting!

"By the way, can you go collect the International Department's reports tomorrow? I want to go through them."


up her things. After experiencing what had happened, she realized one thing. If she didn't try to please anyone, she would not have gotten into

But because of the company's matter, she was so upset that she

to contact a few of her friends, but

saw that Marshall was also there. She quickly made her way over to Marshall and greeted him. "Doctor Clark?

He was stunned for a moment, and then he caught a glimpse of the shining diamond ring on her ring

then continued on with his

hand was still hanging in mid-air. She also saw the diamond ring on her

he in a bad mood? Was

pick up her father from the nursing home. Unexpectedly, the two men met each other on that day. His cold and strange attitude suddenly flashed in her mind, and Alicia felt that

he angry with her because of this matter, or because he knew that


she have a feeling that it was the

Originally, she was in a foul mood, but when Marshall ignored her, her mood became even worse. She did not say a word. She turned around and chose a claw machine furthest away from him. She did not know why, but she felt as if she was about to

she could not even catch a single one. In the blink of an eye, she had nearly used up

a familiar voice behind her, "Are you really planning on heading home

was no chance for her to win a toy as she was down to her last

not mad at me anymore? You're willing to

faint sigh and nodded with a smile, "I don't blame


I've always

you've done for my father! I'm grateful that you were

me to play

was down. In my heart, I've always treated you as my best

can trust!"

did not know whether she should ask him or

she was wondering, Marshall suddenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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