"A piece of your clothing cost tens of thousands of dollars! How have I and Nerissa lived since we were young? Have you forgotten how you treated us when you entered our family? Who was the one that went out and bought you roasted sweet potatoes even though it was midnight, and it's cold and snowy outside? It was me, not the servants! You said you wanted some chicken essence because it was good for your complexion. Who was the one who cooked the soup for you? It's Nerissa! All of your clothes need to be hand-washed three times. Whenever it's not up to your satisfaction or if a thread came loose, you would hit and scold us. We don't even eat..."

"Graham, although I am not your biological daughter, what about Nerissa? Have you ever treated her as your daughter? Donna, how did you treat her? Why does she look so frail? She is blood-related to you, yet she seems like she's not adequately provided. Instead, why does she look like she's being exploited? Why does her period only come every 6 months? Why does she always have to take meds and injections? I remember that when she was young, she dirtied one of your dresses, and you punished her by forcing her to kneel in the snow for an entire night! Why do I have such a weak body? Why did I have a miscarriage? Graham Crouch, why don't you tell me?"

Tears started streaming down Lindsay's eyes. Hatred also filled her gaze.

"If you are allowed to destroy both of our lives, why can't I ruin yours? Your son is hopeless now, yet you still feel sorry for him? This is the karma you deserve for treating us like sh*t. You will never be able to have any more kids. As for your son, he's going to be a dwarf for the rest of his life. A good-for-nothing!"

Nerissa stared at Lindsay and did not know what to say. In this household, Lindsay was indeed the only one who still regarded her as a human!

"Lindsay, what nonsense are you talking about?" Graham bellowed and interrupted madly. However, anger welled up in his chest again. His entire face was burning red as he clenched his chest. "Nonsense? I'm talking nonsense?" Suddenly, Lindsay pushed Nerissa out again. "Why don't you tell him? What did this b*stard do to me?"


"Just say it!" Lindsay glared at Nerissa.

Nerissa was so frightened that she cowered a little. She swallowed her saliva but did not say anything.

Lindsay then shoved her aside.

"You're such a coward! It's no wonder people take advantage of you. You don't even dare to say anything! Donna, are you curious why he's treating me, his foster daughter, better than he treats his biological daughter and you, his lawfully wedded young wife?"

began to well in

climbed out of bed with a ferocious

gaze wandered between the two of them, and she seemed to have sensed something. As soon as her gaze landed on Lindsay, she heard

When I was sixteen, he raped me! Why do you think I have a foothold in this family? Why do you think I can get everything I asked for? Because like you, I can satisfy his desires! I thought that since you came into our family, I would be free from

him! You always have some evil tricks up your sleeves! Do you want to know something? I once

you know whom I hate most in my life? Besides the mother who abandoned us and eloped with another man, I hate the entire Crouch family! I despise all of you! Do you think I am as well-behaved as Nerissa and as weak as her? I want to make


a girl down the stairs. When he was five, he smashed someone's head open. By the time he was six, he already knew to extort money from others! As his parents, have the two of you said anything to him? How much did you have to compensate others for his misbehaviours? Do you even remember that you have a daughter with a day job, who perhaps is cold and hungry? You treat your son as human, while those poor families are peasants, and all they deserve are leftovers! Even after growing up, Benson will still be scum of society. Graham, I'm sure you are happy to have a kid at old age. You're proud of ruining other children's lives, right? You treat your biological daughter as a servant for your wife. Are you happy about that? People like you don't deserve to have kids! What you get today is the Crouch family's retribution! God knows what he's doing. You

waiting for this day for a long time. She tapped her feet and suddenly thought of

blood actually came from my fingertips! Donna, do you know where you're lacking now?"

lights flashed by. The people

you all doing in here? Who allowed you to

up. Only then she realized something, but

in chaos again. Lindsay shot Nerissa a sideways glance. "Why did you

diamond watch and put it in Nerissa's hand. Then, she turned around

down her cheeks as she secretly stuffed the watch into her bag. Graham had to be resuscitated, and the corridor was filled with

the news outlets were about the Crouch family's scandals and inside stories. At this time, every piece of information that the reporters could get their hands on was blasted on the Internet.

the office, all she could hear were people gossiping about the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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