Alicia proceeded to her desk. As soon as she turned on the computer, she was shocked to find what was on the news. Was this truly the Lindsay that she knew?

After reading the entire article, Alicia had to take a moment to wrap her head around what happened. A few moments later, she closed the webpage. She felt she was blessed and lucky. With that, she decided to head over to her mother's house to have dinner after work.

At the same time, miles away at the Castle family household in Yecaeus City, the delicate hand of a woman was trembling as she read the newspaper in the living room. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. As two beautiful women came in one after the other, she quickly put away the newspaper and put on a smile.

"Oh, you're back?"

Waverly and Cecilia Castle entered the house, both carrying shopping bags in their hands. Cecilia went forward and held her arm with a smile.

"Mom, we just went shopping. I bought you one of the latest handbags on the market!

Mom, why are your eyes red? You seem a little upset. What happened?"

"I'm not! I accidentally sprayed some perfume into my eyes! Why did you two come back together? Wasn't Waverly supposed to be with her friends? I heard from your father that you wanted to go to Casterwich City after graduation?"

"I'm just considering. Nothing has been decided!"

The woman chuckled then said, "Then, you ought to consider it carefully! Casterwich City is too far away. It's better to stay close to home. That way, there would always be someone to take care of you. You must be tired! Sit down! I made some pudding. Let me go and get it for you."

The woman hurriedly tidied up the living room and went into the kitchen.

As Waverly watched her mother make her way to the kitchen, a flash of doubt sparked in her eyes.

Although she was still mad at Frederick, she decided to text him before she got off from work. It was inconvenient for them to be seen together. Therefore, they had to set up a place and time to meet. After work, Alicia drove to the supermarket. As soon as she left the office building, a silver car started following her.

The Pitcher Group was badly affected by this incident. Jeremy spent almost all his time dealing with the aftermath every day. He had to apologise and negotiate his way through to cut down as much loss as possible.

He'd just returned and was obviously very tired. He had no idea why, but as soon as he found out that she was working in Soaver International, the first thing he did was to drive over.

He watched her enter the supermarket from a distance. Jeremy tried his best to find parking. As soon as he found one, he parked his car and turned off the engine. He sat in the car for a long time and did not


wheel while he waited. Finally, he couldn't take it

entrance of the supermarket, she saw Jeremy walking towards her. She ran up to him

up to him, she'd grabbed his sleeve

would you come to look for me? You used to hate me, and now

tears pattered down

you was real! I just wanted to erase that unfortunate experience; that was why I went for surgery to replace my hymen! But the truth will always come out. Maybe ever since the moment my parents

for Jeremy to say anything and took out a

and you're trying to raise funds. This is part of my savings. You can

into his hands. Then, she turned around and went away. Alicia was exiting the supermarket with two sausages

giving him a headache. Jeremy'd just returned to Casterwich City, and he hadn't had time to pay attention to anything else. With Lindsay's cheque in hand, he was shocked to hear her mention her surgery. He knew that her family relations were complicated, as were his. It was one of the reasons why they'd gotten together so quickly. Aside from talking about Alicia, they were in

deny the sense of responsibility towards her, especially when he got drunk one time and took her

if he was struck by lightning. He blanked out almost the entire

a cheque for ten million dollars. He felt as if a weight was on his chest. Before he came back to his senses, he heard a familiar


in difficult times.

Alicia, who was holding a sausage in her hands. She was standing at the stairs at the entrance

come to look for her! He

suddenly panicked. He did not know where to start and rushed up the stairs. At this time, Lindsay was making her way to her car. She wiped away her tears and could not help but look

use it, it would not be for nothing! Right then, she was still thinking about him. Her

Jeremy and Alicia, she gritted

it because of this woman that he

her teeth in hatred


her eye. She turned around and opened the door. Sure enough, after a white,


his target. She immediately slammed the steering wheel with her hand, causing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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