Chapter 91


Who would have imagined that my trip to New York would thrust me into such situation? I arrived with the simple intention of supporting Ryan as he got out of jail, yet now I find myself confronting the very real possibility of a prolonged jail term.

"I should head back, I announced abruptly, my mind already racing with thoughts of the boys and their disrupted lives. "The boys have already missed two days of school, and I need to get them back on track." Becky, who had been engrossed in her laptop, paused at my declaration, lifting her head to regard me with a silent gaze, "Yes, you should do that," she conceded quietly, her attention swiftly returning to her


Intrigued by her prolonged focus on her laptop, I couldn't help but lean in for a closer look. Frowning, I took in the contents. displayed on the screen, my brows furrowing in confusion. "What's this?" I asked. Caught off guard by my inquiry. Becky hesitated for a moment before responding. "You need a good lawyer, she stated matter-of-factly.-

My face hardened, and my lips pressed into a thin line. I refuse to entertain the idea of going to jail, I declared firmly, clinging to denial as a shield for my sons sake. It won't come to that

Becky paused, her full attention now fixed on me as she closed her laptop. "Ryan promised to handle the situation, and 1 want to believe him, she began, her voice filled with uncertainty "But this, she gestured towards her laptop, "this is a precautionary measure. The sooner we secure a good lawyer in case things escalate, the better for everyone involved

"It was a mistake," I mumbled, the weight of remorse heavy in my voice. "I never intended to harm her or cause her to lose her baby. It was all a regrettable error that I wish I could undo

"News flash honey, you can't undo what's been done," she stated firmly, her words a stark reminder of the irreversible nature of the situation. "All we can do now is play our cards wisely to avoid the worst- case scenario for the sake of your kids,"

Exhaling heavily, I sank back into my seat, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling over me. Closing my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder if fate harbored a vendetta against ine, continually hurling obstacles in my path.

"Should I attempt to visit her at the hospital again?" I pondered aloud, seeking Becky's counsel in my moment of desperation

"What good would that do?" Becky countered, her attention already diverted back to her laptop.

Turning to face her, I couldn't suppress a sense of frustration at her apparent indifference. "Maybe if she sees me humbling myself, if she witnesses the depth of my remorse, she might reconsider pursuing legal action against me or jeopardizing my professional license," I reasoned.

such bleak news, Lily, but no amount of pleading or self-flagellation will sway her," she

her tone measured yet resolute. "That woman's long-held desire to start a family with Ryan never materialized. She watched as he moved on and found happiness with you Then, just when she discovers she's pregnant-the one thing tying her to Ryan-her hopes of reuniting with

matter wur

I hated to admit it. Becky's assessment was painfully accurate. This

you reached out to Jake?" Becky inquired, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped us. I shook my

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Chapter 91

with more pressing matters. Ever since our encounter here in New York and his altercation with Ryan, I'd avoided any contact with him. Despite his persistent calls, I had

he might have some insight or resources that

scoffed at the suggestion. I highly doubt someone who can't even afford a Lamborghini would be of any help right now," I retorted, my disdain for Jake's opportunistic nature obvious. The thought of relying on him for assistance

validity of my stance,

promptly answered it. In walked Ryan, carrying a

a beat as I watched him enter, my feet propelling me forward instinctively. Racing into his embrace, I buried my face in his chest, overcome with emotion


kisses against my neck, his breath warm against my skin as he murmured, "I missed you,"

with genuine longing. Pulling away slightly, he guided me back into the living room, where I settled down beside him. "Hey, he greeted Becky warmly, depositing the bag of food on the table. "Have you ladies eaten?" he inquired, casting a glance in my direction. "I brought some food." None of us has the appetite, I am sure of it. "She's been scouting for the


in her eyes. "You've convinced her to change her mind already?" she

meets the eye. "What did she want in exchange for dropping the case?" I pressed, my voice tinged with suspicion. It seemed unlikely that Stephanie would simply relent, especially given the tragic loss she had

mustered a forced smile in my direction. "She wants me," he admitted

choked on her drink at Ryan's revelation, her eyes

I struggled to comprehend Ryan's statement. "What do you mean by you?" I asked cautiously, the mere

throat uncomfortably, his grip tightening on my hand. I sensed there was more to his revelation than

"What does she want,

to get married," he confessed. "That's the only way she'll drop the case and pretend like none of this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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