Chapter 92


Lily's stisdain for the idea of ine getting married to Steph mirror my own sentiments I had no desire to marry anyone other than Lily, but it seemed I was paying the price for letting er slip away in the first place. As Angelo guided the car into the hospital parking lot, he stole a glance at me through the rear-view mirror. "I never imagined Tid witness you inoping like this over the prospect of marriage, he remarked with a frown on his face.

Chuckling at his observation and expression, I shook my head amusement. "You'd think it was you facing the possibility of being shackled to a woman who drives you up the wall," I joke, though the reality of the situation made me very upset.

Turning to face me with a solemn expression, Angelo chewed on his lower lip, his gaze distant as if lost in contemplation. When you married Lily, as I stood at the doorway of the cluire watching her glide toward you in white, the first thought that crossed my mind was, lucky bastard," he confessed quietly, told myself you were more than fortunate to have her

"Twas, I acknowledged with a nod, a pang of gratitude swelling within me. "And I still consider myself that lucky bastard because I had the privilege of sharing a life with her, no matter how brief." Gazing out of the window at the hospital building, I sighed. "Whatever shain is about to happen between me and Stephanie." 1 declared firmly, "ut will never last long. That much, I can assure you." I reached for the door handle, pushing it open and striding purposefully into the hospital building,

As I entered the room, 1 found Stephanie engrossed in a movie on her tablet. She appeared noticeably improved from the last time I had seen her, looking healthier and more composed

Approaching her bedside, Stephanie set the tablet down with deliberate care as I drew nearer. "If you've come to plead on her behalf and make a mockery of me," she began with a venomous edge to her tone, "I suggest you leave. I'm in a good mood, and I'd rather not have it ruined"

Brushing off her barbed comment, I took a seat on the vacant sofa nearby. "Let's get married," I stated plainly. Stephanie froze, her eyes widening in surprise. Despite her apparent shock her expression only served to irritate me further. "Why are you pretending to be surprise, Steph? Isn't that what you requested?"

Her lips parted, and she licked them nervously, her eyes blinking rapidly in surprise. "I know I asked for it, but I never expected you to actually agree, she confessed, her voice trembling slightly with disbelief. With a sudden burst of emotion, she rushed towards me, clearly intending to envelop me in a hug.

However, I instinctively shot out an arm, creating a barrier between us. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I hissed, my tone sharp with rebuke.

Caught off guard by my reaction, Stephanie froze in her tracks, puzzled frown creasing her brow. "I was just trying to embrace my fiancé in celebration of such good news, she explained softly, a tentative smile flickering across her features. "Gelling married to you means everything to me, Ryan. You have no idea how much I've longed for this."

"However, I interjected, my voice devoid of emotion, our impending marriage also serves as a constant reminder of my love for another woman" I deadpanned, holding her gaze steadily, "It symbolizes my willingness to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of the woman I truly love. That's the harsh reality you'll have to face every morning for the duration of our marriage:

so cruel, Stephanie snapped back, her tone tinged with resentment. "I understand that you love that woman more than you love me, but there's no need to rub it in my face Ignoring


Chapter 92

rules that cannot be broken, and lines that

her voice dripping with menace. "You do realize I

you should know that I've been contemplating murder since last night," I shot back, my voice cold. I've entertained countless scenarios in my mind, all leading to your disappearance from this world. Because only then will my life be

"You arn't capable of murdering someone," she scoffed, her wor breathing in

me to the brink quite like you have. Adjusting my suit with

"You want to marry me in secre?" she spat out

me, I'd keep you as my dirty little secret,

wedding with my presence send me a copy of that video via WhatsApp, I demanded

the room,

no time in pulling out of the parking lot,

road wi contribute in making sure we don't make it to our destination in a body bag." He chuckled. "I am sorry, but I

"How do you think it went?" Pinching my brows, I tried to get rid of the creeping headache. "of course

to the road and

old clients after work to keep them satisfied, my phone rang, and I saw i was my father calling. Pausing by the wine bar in the living room, I poured myself a

came through, filled with satisfaction. His happiness only served to irritate me further. "I knew

background. "You should

gulp. I slammed the glass on the

mother continued, her voice still

any father interjected, sounding slightly annoyed. "I just called to let you know that I

into my pocket and strode out of the building, Sliding

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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