Chapter 109


I was certain that my cars betrayed me, I mean they have to because no human can be this cruel.

Pushing the door open, I heard several gasps of surprise from the people in the room, but my focus wasn't on them. I didn't care about the couple in the room. who has clearly sold their conscience for money, I stomped towards the woman whont 1 had assumed had a little bit of sympathy in her.

How dare she?! She is nothing but the devils' incarnate. Her father clearly did not know about her plans to lie about a pregnancy, It was all her and her stupid mother's plan, and the fact that the saw another woman slowly die with guilt, thinking that she killed a fetus. I had to go through the mental struggling of trying not to feel so sad about the child because that would make Lily feel even and in all of these, Stephanie was never pregnant.


Fucking hell! The truth hit me hard. Stephanie was infertile. All those tearful visits to hospitals, the desperate attempts to uncover the source of our childlessness, they were all part of her elaborate facade. She had cried on my shoulder after each negative pregnancy-test, her anguish seemingly genuine. But it was all a charade, a carefully crafted illusion to conceal the truth.

With rage coursing through my veins, I seized her by the throat, my grip vice-like as I shoved her backwards until her spine collided with the unforgiving edge of a shelf. I cared not for her gender; in that moment, she was no lady. Only when one conducts themselves with dignity and compassion do they deserve such a title, and Stephanie had displayed neither. She was nothing more than a heartless monster masquerading in human form.

"How could you?" I snarled, my voice a venomous growl as I locked eyes with her, ignoring the feeble protests of her parents who pleaded for her release. "You forced Lily to bear the burden of your deceit, to carry the guilt of terminating a pregnancy that never existed!"

Stephanie's sobs echoed through the room her tears flowing as she begged for forgiveness. "I'm sorry! It wasn't supposed to go this far, I just wanted your attention," she pleaded, her words choked with remorse. "But then my mother planted the idea in my mind, and it spiraled out of control."


Chapter 109

Her frantic hand chawed at mine, desperation etched on her tear-streaked face as 1 rightened my grip, my anger boiling over. Perhaps I should end this here and now I retorted, my voice laced with venom. "So no one else will fall victim to your deceit and wickedness."

"I'm filming this!" Waper's voice bellowed from behind. "And if you don't release her, I'll go live and expose you for the crazy man you are."

1 scoffed at his feeble attempt to

Stephanie's throat unyielding. I watched as her face turned purple, a grim satisfaction settling over me. "Perhaps it is time to show the world the kind

voice, familiar yet tinged with alarm, pierced through the tension in the room as he appeared

coughed roughly, her mother rushing to her side in a frenzy of concern. "How could you attack me like that?" she sputtered, her words barely audible. amidst her choking. Ignoring Angelo's restraining hold, I lunged forward again, the anger still burning within

voice a murmur in my ear as he attempted to pacify me. I could sense his bewilderment, the shock evident in his eyes as he struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before him. "What's going on, boss man?" he

continued, my voice seething with rage, "she's infertile. Lily never killed any baby. It

voice heavy with reproach. "Accusing your

you dare compare my daughter to that lowlife," Waper snapped, his tone brimming



Chapter 108

object valuable artifact resting on the table- and hurled it at Waper before Angelo could

voice dripping with venom. "There should be no comparison between your daughter and

as he sought to lead me away from the escalating conflict. "Come on, Bossman he urged, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos. "Let's leave before things escalate further. Speaking in anger will only lead to words and actions we'll regret." With a gentle tug, he guided me towards the

Stephanie's parents, I issued a stern warning. "This isn't over yet. You'll be hearing from me," I declared firmly, allowing Angelo. to lead

shrouded in silence. Angelo focused on

pocket, I dialed my father's number, and he answered promptly,

divorcing Stephanie," I stated bluntly, wasting no

you finally ready to see that woman go to prison as the consequences of her actions?" he inquired calmly. "Though I may not hold much affection for her, her

talking about?!" my mother's voice interjected in the background. "He's not divorcing Stephanie, so he needs to drop that notion

my mother's protests, I focused solely on my conversation with my father.


phone aside. "Take me to my parents," I instructed Angelo, who complied

1983 Ju

my parents house in short onder, pulling into the familiar driveway. Angelo parked the car in the garage and nimed to me. Should I keep the engine running" he acted, eulaly

opening the car door and stepping out onto the pavement. "Come inside, join us for something to eat or drink,' I added, extending the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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