Chapter 110



I blinked at the text, trying to understand what it really means but failed to.

I know the text is from Ryan, and it means that he is coming to Canada, but there is a desperation that comes with the text that I do not understand.

Transferring the hospital coat to my left hand, I dialed his number but it went to his voicemail. Trying so hard not to overthink the situation. I have not seen Ryan type with so much desperation.

Turning off the stove, I leaned on the kitchen island and continued dialing his number but I kept being redirected to his voicemail.

I would have called Angelo to find out what was going on, but I don't have his number saved up in my phone. He has called me a few times, but I didn't save his number.

Scrolling through the few unsaved number that I have spoken with over the past few weeks, I hoped the one I picked out is Angelo's.

Dialing the number, I placed the phone on my ear and waited for him to pick. He finally did. "Hello? Angelo?" I breathed out, hoping he is really the one on the line.

"Hello ma'am," a voice that definitely didn't belong to Angelo responded. "I don't know who you were trying to call, but this is Dr. Rashid."

Shit! The Indian residence doctor. "Hi doctor Rashid," 1 greeted, "I am sorry i

if I bothered you or caused you nay inconvenience, but I as trying to call someone else."

"Its fine," he assured me, "things like that happen."

unsaved number and thankfully I got it right this time. "Angelo? Where is Ryan?" I breathed out in a

isn't taking your calls." Angelo informed me, "Ryan has been on a call for over two hours, which is why I



your call."

Chapter 1

I guess I was worrying for

moment. "No," he responded, "man almost lost his

body tense with worry "What happened today?"

he hurt?

Yes," he responded, "he heard some crazy things from Stephanie today that made him lose his mind, and ever since he has been making calls to make sure that everything about the William's family is disassociated from

want to know what's happening but Angelo isn't the one I should be asking. "Please tell him to

think you should be more patient" he advised. "I believe he is coming down to Canada today and

speak to him, to hear

the response he wants to hear because


disconnected, I sent


the counter and returned to

I decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store to get some things for the house, since the boys are asleep and we

However, what I didn't expect was that a grocery shopping that was supposed to take my mind out of constant worry, appeared as anger in form of

with a taunting smile when she saw me and of course walked up to me. "I see you are learning to

deep breath, I inwardly told myself not to let her words affect


Capres 110

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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