Chapter 115 RYAN

Today, we decided to stay back at the apartment and finally make use of the pool, which had been lying unattended ever since we arrived. According to Lily, the boys knew how to swim, so I didn't have to worry too much about one of them jumping into the pool, though we still kept a vigilant eye on them.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out, seeing that Detective Larry was calling. I swiped the receive button and, knowing this conversation would likely involve some colorful language, I got off the lounge chair and moved away from the kids.

"What the f**k is this news I'm reading about Jake?" I hissed into the phone, trying to keep my voice low but failing to hide my irritation. Lily hadn't seen it yet. because she decided to turn off her phone for the rest of the trip, wanting to fully enjoy herself during this vacation.

She somehow believes that every time she turns on her phone, trouble finds her- specifically, trouble in the form of Jake.

"It seems someone tipped him off about our arrival," Detective Larry replied. "But I assure you, we will find him soon. This has escalated from a simple case of impersonation to that of a wanted murderer." The thought of Jake being anywhere near Lily was chilling. "Who did he kill?" I asked, my mind racing with concern.

"That isn't something you need to worry about, sir. The murder isn't connected to you or Ms. Urch in any way," he assured me. "But rest assured, we are committed to finding him soon."

This situation was infuriating. "Keep me posted," I said, reaching to disconnect the call, but Larry stopped me.

"Just in case he reaches out to your wife in any way, do not hesitate to let us know immediately," he added.

"I will," I promised before ending the call, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

I scoffed. "For the sake of everyone involved, I hope he doesn't reach out to her, or



you guys will be draing with two murder dates Disconnecting the call, I strolled Back to the poolside, trying to rein in my frustration.

1uy who had noticed my absence, handed the nanny the towel she was holding ared approached me. "Is everything okay?" she asked, sitting down next to me. "You bwek spent

I took a deep breath, my anger simmering beneath the surface. "They weren't able as ge Jake," I informed her, and her frown mirrored mine instantly. Reaching for her hand. I held it and squeezed gently. "Don't let that bother you. I'm sure they will get him in due time"

sy licked her lips nervously. "I hope so too. I would hate to live constantly looking over my shoulder." She turned her gaze back to the boys, who were happily splashing in the pool. "How crazy is it that I introduced a con artist into the lives of my children?"

than a con artist; he's a murderer, but I thought it

coming down to New York with me after this vacation?" I suggested, watching

voice tinged with suspicion. "Why do you want me in New York?" Finally, she met my eyes. "Just because I'm not working at the hospital at the moment doesn't mean you

place where I can protect you

eyes softened slightly, but she still looked

my top priority right now. New York is where

back at the boys playing in the pool. "Alright," she said

you. I promise


Jul 27 B

Chapter 115

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much," I said, feeling the weight of potential arguments


get back to work. The boys weren't eager to leave either, but when they heard that they would be going

with a playful smile. I chuckled, shaking my head in disagreement. "I think it has more to do with the fact that they don't see me that often. They're always excited to spend

"Maybe you're right. Either way, it's nice

shoulders and pulled her close. "It is. And they'll be even happier

leaned into me, sighing softly. "Let's hope so. I just want us to be safe

be," I assured her, kissing the top of her head. "We'll make sure

"Whatever." We finally checked out and made our way to the private airport, where we boarded my jet that would take us back to New York. Prior to the day we were supposed

fleet of security cars undoubtedly waiting for us. Angelo stepped forward to greet the boys, and to my surprise, Liam recognized him right away, though the

back, boss," he greeted me with a


Chapter 115

then turned his attention to Lily. "It is lovely to see you

you, Angelo. It's good to see

"You've always referred to

instructed, the maids had already cleaned out

with me," I informed Lily as we entered the house. "We don't have to sleep in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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