Chapter 116


"I need to be somewhere," I informed Lily the moment I stepped into the bedroom.

She looked up from the pile of clothes on the bed that she intended on hanging in the closet. "You just got back." She pointed out with a frown, "Shouldn't you at least take a shower, have something to eat, and change before leaving?"

Closing the space between us, I kissed her forehead. "I won't long, I promise. I just want to meet up with, a business associate real quick."

"Right." She returned to lining the clothes. "Just make sure to be safe."

"I will." Hesitating out of the house, I grabbed my keys from Angelo. He insisted he wanted to drive me, but I told him I could handle it just fine.


Pulling over to the restaurant where I had agreed to meet Detective Rio. He waved me over the moment I walked in.

"you know I can lose my job if they find out that I have been feeding you confidential information."

"I pay you for each piece of information you share, much higher than what you earn in a month, so don't make it seem as if you are doing me a favor."

He laughed nervously. "I guess you are right." He jerked his head towards the waiting counter. "should we order coffee?"

"What do you have for me, Rio?" I did not leave Lily to share a cup of coffee with him."

"So the phone has been found," he revealed already known information and we found out that she called a number that day she was killed."

My eyes squinted. "And have you been able to find out who the person is?"

He shook his head. "the number she called was also registered under her name." I scoffed at the irritating plot twist. "however, she also sent a series of texts to someone and we think those texts actually gave us a hint on who she must have been calling."

Why didn't he just say this from the onset? "What was the text about and who do you think she sent it to?"

Rio picked up his phone. "I am going to forward it to you." Within seconds, my phone chimed with received text.

up and opened the message

MARCH 11, 10:30 am

out of here, why are

MARCH 20 12 am

here Mr. Waper, please

name. Was he the one

MARCH 31st 9:30 pm

texted me just now and she said Mr. Williams knows


Chapter Ho

men get here.

MARCH 1st, 10 pm

am telling them you were


Lam on

was the last person she

stared at the man before me. "So why argh's

also the team wants to ask you some questions too since your name was mentioned in the chat" Fe revealed, "they will probably head over to your place today" "My door is always open." I have nothing to


and left the calheria. On my way home, I made a

in search of Lily. The staff told me that she was

and I

out of reflex. My eyes narrowed. "What are you hid "Are those flowers

did you hide your phone the moment you heard the door

and gradually outstretched her palm with her phone lying on it. "I just received a

at her, but at tit lunatic who thinks he has the right to text her

clicked on


fear in Lily's eyes. She licked her lips. "He has

do anything" I assured her, trying to subdue my fears. "he was just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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