Chapter 117


I was taken aback when Ryan mentioned that his mother wanted to meet with me. The news hit me shockingly, causing me to freeze in disbelief. Setting aside the medical magazine I had been reading. I lifted my head to meet his gaze, my expression filled with surprise and skepticism.

"Your mother wants to do what?" I echoed incredulously, struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

Ryan chuckled softly, his tone tinged with amusement. "I know, it's quite shocking," he admitted, rising from the sofa and moving closer to where I sat. "I was just as surprised when she expressed her desire to reconcile. It took my father's persuasion for me to even consider the possibility."

"Forgive me if I find her sudden display of remorse difficult to believe," I remarked dryly, my skepticism evident. The idea that the woman who had harbored such animosity towards me, even rejecting my very existence, now wanted to reconcile as if nothing had happened seemed utterly unbelievable.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," Ryan rasped, taking my hand gently in his. His eyes were sincere, almost pleading. "You are not obligated to be nice to her just because she is my mother."

I rolled my eyes at his words. "So what? You want me to be the bad one who refused to make peace?" Shaking my head, I pulled my hand away from his grasp and picked up the magazine again, flipping through its pages with a touch of irritation. "Do you think this has to do with the fact that she's disappointed in her choices?"

Ryan shrugged nonchalantly as he plopped down on the bed beside me, placing his head on my thigh. "Disappointed in what choices? Hating you?"

I sighed. "That too is inclusive. But more specifically, do you think she's disappointed that the young lady she rooted for and thought was perfect for you ended up being a complete scam?"

He chuckled, a low sound that vibrated against my skin, tickling my stomach as he shifted to the right, his hand gently circling my waist. "I can imagine the disappointment," he said with a hint of amusement. "I think it could have contributed to the sudden change of mind."

"Fine, I will meet up with her," I conceded, though my voice held a tinge of reluctance. "But if I'm taking the kids, then you're coming with me. She isn't as harsh with her words when you're around." Ryan reached forward and cupped my cheek, his touch tender and reassuring. "I had no intention of letting you go alone," he promised, his eyes locking with mine.

His phone pinged on the side of the bed, breaking our moment. I stretched, picked it up, and handed it to him, returning my attention to the magazine, though my mind was still partially occupied with thoughts of the impending meeting with his mother.

Ryan cleared his throat, a sound that instantly drew my attention back to him. "The police will be coming here tomorrow to ask me some questions regarding the murder of Sophia," he said quietly, his tone carefully neutral.

A surge of fear gripped me, tightening my chest. "Are you getting arrested again?" Lblurted out, my voice tinged with panic as I struggled to calm my racing heart. "I thought your name was already cleared." Ryan, noticing my fear, sat up and cupped my cheek with both hands. "I need you to calm down," he implored, his voice soothing but firm. "No one is getting me arrested, and like you said, my name has been cleared."

hand tightened on my cheek, his ouch grounding me as he spoke with a reassuring calmness. "I am going to need you to calm down," he implored gently. "No one is getting me

nodded, trying to quell the rising panic within me."Then what are they



Thu, Aug

Chapter 117

was found, Ryan revealed, his

momentarily speechless. "What the heck did you just say?" I exclaimed, my mind struggling to process the

stolen designs, and he was the one who sent her into hiding. According to Sophia's last chat, Waper was the last person she

have for you instead of going to arrest the culprit?" I asked, confusion filling my

it out with us." He suggested, "I am



to meet Ryan's parents with the boys. When we arrived, the boys got down and looked around the house, none of them remembering that they have been here before, however, when the entrance door opened

the boys laid their eyes on him, they took a step back. "I don't like her mum," Liam mumbled beside

woman either. Bending down to their level, I pulled them closer. "Go say hello to her," I urged and they shook their heads, "I promise you, she is going to be nice this

who gave them an encouraging nod with a smile.

front of her, they blinked up at her, their expressions hesitant. Without

cry, genuine tears streaming down her face, I

her cheeks and under her eyes. Then, she opened her arms wide towards me, an unspoken plea for

Too many times before, I had been the one to extend the olive branch, only

stride until she wrapped me in a tight embrace. "I am so sorry for everything," she whispered softly into my ear. "If only I could turn back time, I would do it in

embrace with a warm smile. "We

I've prepared plenty of food." Ryan couldn't resist injecting a bit of humor into the moment. "Aren't you going to give me a hug too?" he teased. Sarah rolled her eyes at him playfully before taking Noah and Ethan's hands. Liam, however, opted not

ready to put the past behind

father. His presence brought a wave of

old man rose from his seat and approached me with a smile. "It's lovely to see you again,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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