Chapter 127


I've been here for three days and don't even know what's going on. Liam, Noah, and Ethan must be missing me really bad, and don't get me started on Ryan.

Sighing, I held onto the window railing and stared down at nothing but a green field and water.

I know I'm still in Canada as Jake does not have the freedom to move around, so he couldn't have taken me far.

Biting my lower lips, I tried to be positive, try to look towards the day I'll get out of this and return home to my kids and Ryan.

The door unlocked and opened, and without even looking back, I was certain it was Jake who just walked in.

I have every reason to believe that we are the only one in this building, because I've

other person. never seen any other person, nor have I heard him speak to any

"I see you're hell-bent on killing yourself with hunger." He remarked and I ignored him, something I've decided to do.

"Honestly Lily, I don't care if you decide to kill yourself, but at least stay alive until I've gotten what I happened."

He noisily dropped a tray on the table. "Come and eat Lily, you'll not let this one go to waste again."

Finally turning around, I glared at him. "Don't worry Jake, I'm not dying nor am I eating your food."

His jaw clenched. "Don't push me, Lily, either way, his food is going down your throat."

My eyes hardened with defiance and I'm sure he saw it too. Chuckling, he shook his head. "That look in your eyes, I can easily break it, but I decided not to. Don't make me change my mind." 1 took steady steps towards him and spat on his face. "You can't break me, Jake."

"I know you despise me." He stated

most definitely break you Lily. I'matter-of-factly, "and shoving my c

dick into you will

don't provoke

instilled fear in me I won't lie but I tried


Chapter 127

be the most caring and patient." He made his way over

freedom. We take it for granted until

have any means of communicating with

my very last nerves. "I'll eat the food, you can leave

Waper is dead." He revealed and I froze in shock. "They

I faced him, eyes wide with shock. "What did you just

days ago, statements were released yesterday. I'm guessing it's suicide since this isn't the first time she

he continued, "seeing your enemy dead and getting forgotten Six feet

would have been better if you were

laughed as though I just cracked a joke. "Too bad honey, I intend to

towards the plate. "Be Sure to eat that


to me if he fails to provide a means out

widely. "Your pinkies will be sent

"You are sick!"

just want my freedom back." Winking, He headed for the door and

covered plate for a while, sighed, and walked over to

Sat, Aug 3

Chapter 127

down, and

saw a piece of paper with a message written on



covered the plate and pushed it away. However, a thought occurred. Maybe

and listened for any movement and when I didn't hear anything, I grabbed the plate,

up one broken segment with a sharp edge, I cleared up the rest and placed it under the bed. Taking a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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