Chapter 128


I was certain the effects of the drug should have kicked in by now. Turning off the radio, I made my way to the room where she was staying. Inserting the key, I unlocked the door and pushed it open.

There she lay, frozen and immobile, her eyes the only part of her body able to move. She was sprawled next to the untouched food, paralyzed.

Chuckling, I squatted down to her level and grabbed her cheek, feeling the helplessness radiate from her. "You really had the nerve to stab me, Lily, and then you went ahead and ate the food I presented? How foolish."

Her eyes spoke volumes, conveying the fear and regret her body couldn't express. Tears rolled down the corners of her eyes as she stared at me, unable to blink.

"You do realize that you are at my mercy right now?" I asked, wiping her tears away with my thumb. "I could do whatever I please with you, and you wouldn't be able to fight back."

She was fortunate that I wasn't the type to take sexual advantage of women. I might be guilty of many things, but rape was not one of them.

Sighing, I lifted her paralyzed form;and carried her over to the bed, gently laying her down. "Don't worry," I said in a calming tone, "you'll gradually regain your mobility as the effects of the drug wear off. That should be in about three to four hours. Just close your eyes and try to sleep through it. Tomorrow, we'll call Ryan to see if he has my demands ready. Otherwise, you might lose a pinky."

Patting her cheek, I leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. "For what it's worth, Lily, you were a lovely lady. You made me forget the darker aspects of my life, even if just for a little while."

I walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind me and making sure to lock it. I didn't trust her not to attempt running away once she regained her mobility.

The next morning, I woke up to a very quiet house. Chuckling at how well-behaved she was being, I went to the kitchen to prepare her final meal. After this, we would both be going hungry since there was nothing else left in the house, and I couldn't risk going out to shop. It amused me to think how I had been using the last of my supplies to make her food, and she was letting it go to waste.

I quickly whipped up some scrambled eggs for her, then carried the plate upstairs.

21 Sat Aug 30

Chapter 10k

carefully stepped inwie, wary of any potential ambush. Despite cleaning up the broken glace under her bed wouldn't be ourprised if the had hidden sose other

her with rationell morning. Lily † aid, my

feed Blankly on the wall Are

setting the tray of food down on the

captured her sirgetion. "Throught food. I announced, blocking her view

shifted to me, and before I could anticipate her next move, she raised ther band and delivered a

her yet. I had assumed that paralyzing her would instill more thur clearly, she still had fight left in her. How dare you?" she growled, her voice seething with anger. "How dare you drug me I shrugged indifferently, which only seemed to fuel her rage further. "Do you realize the implications of this for my

it or not is

intensity that made me slightly uncomfortable.

she retorted, her voice dripping with

you accepted it without any Soot or skepticism," I replied, attempting to maintain a facade of confidence. Walking ser to the tray, I picked up a fork

this one wasn't tampered with," I added,

her silent contemplation of the wall,

to give her space. "Eat while I go fake a shower. When I come back, we'll call Ryan and hopefully get some good news." Without waiting for her

18:21 Sat, Aug 3

Chapter 128

changing into fresh clothes, I returned to Lily's room to find the

really going to be stubborn about that food?" I asked, knowing full well she would likely ignore me, as usual. With a scoff, I pulled out the phone I hadn't yet used to contact Ryan

a chuckle from me. "I guess you were really expecting my call," I

Lily?" he demanded,

to stare blankly at the wall. "She's right here

do to her?!" Ryan snapped angrily through the phone, his voice booming

v car.


sudden outburst, unfazed by his anger. "Nothing yet," deadpanned, "and you're going to have to stop yelling in my ear before I end this

revealed in a raspy voice, sounding breathless and desperate. "I've made the necessary arrangements to get you into Turkey. I've arranged for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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