Chapter 129



Stephanie was laid to rest today and I didn't even bother showing up, not that I didn't want to, or that she didn't deserve my last respect, but because Jake is getting picked up today and I do not want to miss the FaceTime with Lily.

Angelo had to go in place of the family because father blatantly refused to go. He swore that nothing would connect him to that family ever.

My phone vibrated on the table, and the moment I glanced at it and saw an unsaved number I picked it up without even waiting for a signal from detective Balham.

"I'm switching it to FaceTime." Jake informed me before the call switched.

Lily's beautiful face stared back at me. The pain and emptiness in her eyes showed me that she is slowly losing it and that I have to get her out of there quick.

"Lily," I breathed out and the tears which had polled in her eyes rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry.” I apologized.

I shouldn't have maintained my stance on her not going, or I should have left with her, then none of this would have been happening. "I miss you, the boys too but we're all strong for you, the same way we want you to be strong for us."

Her opened her mouth and spoke, but I couldn't hear a thing of what she said. That bastard muted her mic.

"I love you Lily," I reminded her, "Give me a nod if you can hear me." She nodded slowly which made me force a smile for her sake. "I'll get you home soon Lily, and I swear on everything I have, I'll but a bad dream which will make you forget all these crazy ordeal, it will be nothing

never will come true."

As she nodded. More tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jake picked the phone up. "Your time is up Ryan, I'm heading out, and like I said earlier, in three days you'll recieve a mail telling you of her location. Lwas certain you'll not fail


Before I could respond, the call disconnected I turned y to detective Balham and his crew. "Were you able to find the location of the call?"



Chapter 129


with men out in the streets, looking for anyone that

to the area of Tursujug national park,

my shoulder

home soon."

surviving on water alone is daunting right now. "I hope her sanity will be intact when

woman," Dad reassured me, "I'm sure


the video call, which means she's far from being okay. "I hope


of my bed, looking out the window at the setting sun. The room was quiet, shadows lengthening as the day drew to a close. My mind was drifting, thinking about anything

didn't say anything at first, just walked over and dropped into the armchair in the corner of my room. "Hey," I said, breaking the silence.

deeply, rubbing his hands over his face. "It was going as well as a funeral could, I guess. Everyone was trying to

then what?" I asked, a hint of

his expression tense. "Stephanie's

I frowned. "What happened?"

She thinks it's your fault

his words.

she found Stephanie's journal," Angelo explained. "There were



Chapter 129

you broke her heart. She

more irritated than anything. "That's ridiculous.

the cause of


nodded, his expression sympathetic. "I know, man. But grief makes people look for someone to blame. Right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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