Betrayal At The Altar By Dolores Delia Chapter 52

With cat–like tread, Olivia Cruise crept up behind Rachel Grey, then lunged forward and shoved her with all her might, pushing her onto the road.

Without warning, the powerful force jolted Rachel from behind, hurtling her onto the busy street. She teetered in the middle of the road, and as she fought to regain her balance, a speeding car hurtled toward her from the opposite direction.

Thankfully, the driver spotted Rachel just in time and skillfully swerved the car to avoid hitting her in a close call.

As the car zoomed past Rachel, she felt a sudden gust of wind nearly knocking her off her feet. She stumbled for a moment but then regained her footing.

Everything happened in an instant, catching her off guard.

The driver suddenly rolled down the window and shouted at Rachel, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Do you want to die? Get out of here, and don’t mess with me!” Rachel was visibly shaken. Her face turned pale, and her fingers curled tightly as if she had seen a ghost.

It wasn’t until the car had gone that her mind finally returned to reality.

around and saw Olivia standing on the sidewalk, her face radiating with youthful innocence and a broad smile on her lips. But Rachel’s expression swiftly transformed, her features taking on an icy, frosty veneer like winter had

hands, previously hanging by her sides, balled up into fists so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

in time, I’d

up with someone as vile as Olivia, but

undid the buttons on her suit jacket, sending a chill down Olivia’s spine. With each purposeful step, she emanated an

expression and said, “Rachel, I was just trying to have a little

snapped forward and landed a resounding slap across

a slap. Then, before she could even react, Rachel struck her with another

in no time, Olivia’s face turned red and swollen, with

the upper hand. She assumed that Rachel was intimidated by the powerful Cruise and Smith families backing her

any influential connections, crushing her would be a piece of cake for

Rachel would have the guts to lay her hands on

was just messing with you! Why’d you have to take it so seriously?” Unfortunately, her status as a public figure made it difficult

an icy coldness. “Just messing with me? Then let’s play!” she said, her voice dripping with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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