Chapter 530

Hearing this, the doctor’s expression changed slightly.

He looked at Rachel with a confusing gaze and scanned her from head to toe with an extremely obscure sizing up and probing.

It was hard for him to imagine that this frail-looking woman in front of him knew such a professional technique.

This was because Rachel did not look like she had undergone professional military training.

Seeing the doctor not speak for a long time, Rachel asked casually, “Is there a problem?”

“No, no. The doctor shook his head repeatedly.

He walked forward and gave Rachel a general checkup. This technique was too familiar.

At the same time, a doubt arose in his heart.

The doctor hesitated for a moment before asking carefully, “May I ask where did you learn this technique from?”

He had seen such a technique before during the riots in the southern country, Zari. This technique required decisiveness and absolute endurance for pain.

eyes flickered with a hint of intriguing

doctor in front of her. There was no emotion

doctor muttered in

over. “Stanley, why are you asking so

pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and did not say anything. He only glanced at Rachel’s

terms of professionalism, Racheal was clearly better than him. It would not

had already treated her own injury. There was no need for him. -to do

their most skilled doctor, and for him to acknowledge that he

things amateurs

see that Rachel’s bandaging was done

asked tentatively, “Do you need Stanley to give you a

was Rachel, the apple of David’s eye. Most importantly, he had just earned 20 million thanks

Jimmy and then at David, who had

he took out a bottle of spray from the medical

at the spray and raised her eyebrows slightly. She did

made Stanley feel like he was

looked at Rachel. “I’ll help you apply for leave

was a

David spoke again, his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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