Chapter 170 Can I Take Her Out?

He stood by the car as I got out with Ava, and he approached us, saying, “You’re back!”

My dad had a strong impression of Atlas, mainly since the latter had visited my dad at the hospital twice. My mom said, “Hello, Mr. Atlas, please come in! I’m sorry if we kept you waiting.”

“That’s okay, Mrs. Laura. I just arrived,” he said with a smile. When he saw me carrying Ava, he asked,

Can I help?”

I was surprised as I stood rooted, not knowing what to say. However, Atlas had already approached me,

saying, “Let me hold her.”

His gesture made me feel like crying for some reason. He reached out for Ava, but it seemed he didn’t

know how to take her from my arms.

“1 can manage,” I said.

“You can give her to me. You look like you’re struggling,” Atlas insisted, and I could only pass Ava to him.

his stiff and awkward posture, I knew he had never held a child. Still, he was earnest, like he was

almost laughed at his awkwardness and went to help adjust

of his arm, he finally relaxed and smiled slyly at me

Soon, he carried Ava to her room with my guidance.


into her pajamas

me to watch me

finally finished and looked at him, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, which

took him downstairs, where

“Weren’t you in Quillbrooke? Why

asked, I realized it was

rushed back. Perhaps I’m a

eyes meeting mine.

dad gazed at Atlas’s face as if examining his intentions. My mom also

how even a reserved person like my

words and actions.

and glance at

may I take Chloe out to celebrate?” Atlas asked. “I’m afraid I’ll have to

a guilty child who had done something wrong. I glanced at my dad,

this situation. I had just gotten divorced, and now a man was at my doorstep, boldly inviting me out. His earlier words. indicated that I meant a lot to him, and he had rushed back just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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