Chapter 171 The Birthday Gift

When we entered the Starlight International penthouse, a dinner for two and a chilled bottle of wine were

waiting for us.

Atlas pulled me into his arms and said, “Happy birthday! This was the best I could do because I’ve been

swamped. But I’m glad I didn’t miss it.”

I leaned into him and said, “I prefer simple celebrations. Just being with you makes me happy.”

With a magician’s flair, he produced a gift box seemingly out of nowhere. I looked at him, and he gestured

at me to open it.

I lifted the lid, revealing a stunning pen. It was adorned with diamonds and featured my initials inlaid with


“It’s gorgeous!” How did he know that I had a thing for pens?

had a sizable collection

life grew busier, I set

was a genuine work

once mentioned to Matthew that I would buy


my forehead and saying, “Get real.

Atlas, saying, “You wouldn’t understand.” I didn’t tell him

disappointed me.

this. This is too expensive!” I closed the lid and

you to use it to sign all the contracts you pursue. This pen symbolizes your

your wishes because you deserve

this custom–made Aurora

for you. It exists because of

so sweet that I couldn’t say no. What did

you really want to spend it debating something made just for you?”

kissed me and said, “Now close your eyes and make another

put my hands together and wished. Maybe it was impossible, but I wanted it. Didn’t I

Everything was possible!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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